Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Childbirth At 65

With all the new technology regarding fertility recently, a 65-year-old friend of mine was able to give birth. When she was discharged from the hospital and went home, I went to visit.

'May I see the new baby?' I asked

'Not yet ,' She said 'I'll make coffee and we can chat for a while

Thirty minutes had passed, and I asked, 'May I see the new baby now?'

'No, not yet,' She said.

After another few minutes had elapsed, I asked again, 'May I see the baby now?'

'No, not yet,' replied my friend.

Growing very impatient, I asked, 'Well, when can I see the baby?'

'WHEN HE CRIES!' she told me.

'WHEN HE CRIES?' I demanded. 'Why do I have to wait until he CRIES?'


Thanks to Ann.

By the way, Ann has a lovely Pentecost sermon posted.


  1. That's just as bad (and funny) as the first time I heard it.

  2. This is brilliant!
    I immediately forwarded it to a friend who had her first baby at 42and who can relate to it very well too.

  3. A friend of mine by the name of Elizabeth thought that the Bible passage announcing that Elizabeth was old when she conceived John the Baptist was the saddest passage in all of scripture. I think it was the name identification that made it so poignant for her.

    Luke 1:
    7But they had no children, because Elizabeth was barren, and both were getting on in years.
    24 After those days his wife Elizabeth conceived, and for five months she remained in seclusion.

    Paul the BB


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