Monday, June 29, 2009

"Complaint from a Voter :>)"

Words fail me.

I think I'll just go pick some chips off the Doritos tree in the backyard to go with the stiff drink I think I need right now.

Word! - from Doug.

UPDATE: A reminder from Erp.


  1. I so love this. What a hoot!

  2. Reminds me of my SIL who thought plug-in electric cars caused no pollution. Where did she think the electricity came from? Those of us in the Four Corners know: from coal-fired power plants.

  3. My salad is ready, and now I need to go pick some crackers off the cracker tree out back. They're not as fatty as the Doritos.

  4. Erp, been there, done that, but I posted the video for those who may not have had the pleasure.

  5. Mimi, your blog is SO edifying.
    I have never had the pleasure of harvesting my own. What fun! LOL


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