Tuesday, June 9, 2009

From The Pawty I Wasn't At

Thanks to WhiteyCat for the pictures from the bloggers gathering in New Jersey last Friday evening. Aren't the folks there lovely looking? And they seem to be having a great time. And I'm not there.

Padre Mickey and the Lovely Mona, who was snapped while snapping. That's Paul (A.) and Allie in the background.

Padre Mickey makes a move.....to help Catherine with her camera

The famous Miss Egyptian Hippo of Love with lesser stars Eileen and Elizabeth

Muthah holds forth and Tobias pays attention

TELP and El Padre smiling sweetly for the camera


  1. Thanks, Mimi. I was waiting for more pics to be doled out.

    Paul the BB

  2. I have more, and I'll probably do another post, even though I'm still jealous.

  3. And a great time was had by all!

  4. Hehehehe! I got to HUG Padre Mickey!! Hee hee!

    AND touch the EHOL..

  5. Allie, I have no doubt of that.

    Eileen, I'm not a violent person, but if you said that to me face to face. I'd be tempted to slap you. I didn't say that I'd do it, but I'd be sorely tempted. Just sayin'. ;o)

  6. I wish the Chicago / Milwaukee folk could do a get together.


  7. Maybe, Jim, when Dennis gets home? Mimi and I travel.

  8. Piskie's right. Grandpère and I spent several days in Chicago, and I've wanted to go back, so it may happen, Jim. And, of course, having Dennis and David right there would be a major attraction. ;o)

  9. OH how I wish I had been there!!

  10. Only mad dogs and Episcopalifems....

    I suspect meeting Miss Egyptian Hippo of Love is bound to make one want to gloat. It would be hard not to. But to come here and do it on Mimi's turf? One might risk being mentioned while chickens are sacrificed at midnight in the swamps or something.

  11. If you guys meet in Chicago, I just might be tempted to hop a plane and join the party. I loves me The Windy City. Stop being jealous and plan something you guys. C'mon. And, no slapping, Mimi. Do I have to come over there and make sure you are taking your medicine? ;~D

  12. We're all a little in love with Miss Hippo. I don't know what that says about our sexual orientations.

    I'm back on the meds, Elizabeth. No danger of any slapping now.


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