Friday, June 19, 2009

"No Words Necessary" - Get ready to smile.

It doesn't matter how many people you send this to, just remember, if it made you smile, your friends will smile too! Spread some Happiness, we all need to share a smile.

And I send it to you, my dear readers, and wish you a Happy Friday!

Dedicated to my good friend Pablito, who goes all soft and squishy about babies.

Thanks to Susan S.

Voila! Well, it only right, if this is your favorite, Susan.


  1. I hope you could hear the squeals and cackles of laughter all the way from New Mexico to Louisiana! If laughter is the best medicine, I should have a healed throat any second.

  2. I knew you'd love it, Pablito. I just knew it.

  3. Aww, Love the last one in particular.

  4. LOL, not always, Göran, which is why Mimi teases me. I mostly like them when they are old enough to be interesting. Babies, not so much, though all the rest of my family is totally gaga over them.

  5. Is there anything cuter than a baby's ass?

  6. Anonymous, no matter how cute you think your comment is, you'll need to make up a name and sign your words next time, or I will delete them.

  7. Grandmere,I was serious. So here goes.Mark

  8. The one with the gloves was my favorite! I guess I should have told you when I sent it. I don't know how to put it in the comments...

  9. Thanks, Mimi! She appears to be patiently concentrating! It's like she is certain that this is the one thing she needs to complete her wardrobe!

  10. I don't know about babies making me all soft & squishy - it's the donkey I love.

  11. My comment disappeared!
    I posted that in our pre-school, the kids once performed a duck-dance where they were all wearing yellow rubber gloves on their feet. It looked so waddly and cute!

  12. Erika, I did not do it. Blame Blogger. Sometimes when it gets hungry, it eats comments.

    What an excellent idea to use yellow gloves for duck's feet.


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