Monday, June 8, 2009

Prayers Please For My Niece

My niece's doctor found a lump in her breast. She's scheduled to have it removed today at 2 pm. Cancers of all types, including breast cancer, run rampant in my family. Please pray.

UPDATE: The surgery started late but is now over. The surgeon removed the lump for biopsy. My niece will have the results on Thursday. Thanks for the prayers. Please continue to pray.


  1. Prayers for your niece. So awful going through that, not knowing, hoping for the best but trying to be realistic, especially when there is family history. I pray for her good health and peace of mind for all.

  2. I sent my love and prayers and a reminder that I'm still here 24 years after having breast cancer. Thanks be to God!

    OMG! I just realized that she is the same age as I was when I was diagnosed.

  3. yikes. will do. let us know how things turn out.

  4. As soon as I have news, I'll post an update.

  5. Mimi, prayers ascending for your niece. I was diagnosed in 1975 at 27yo. It changed my life forever.



  6. Suzanne, having breast cancer changed my life forever, too, in many ways for the better. That may be hard for some to believe, but it's the truth.

  7. Prayers ascending for you and your niece!

  8. My prayers too. Your niece goes on my prayer list, which I am just now updating.

  9. Prayers for you niece and the whole family!

    ((( Mimi )))
    paul the bb

  10. I am praying for healing hands and minds to surround her, and strength for her in the days to come.

    I also pray for her family, including you Grandmere. I am confident that you will share what you know with her, in all the right ways.

    Please keep us posted.

  11. Thanks for the prayers and good wishes.

  12. I'm late on the scene but I trust my prayers will not go lacking in the sight of God or in your niece's heart.

  13. Prayers, of course -- and heartfelt.

  14. I'm a little late too but praying for you and the niece

  15. ...and some more prayers...

  16. Remember,
    the sooner the better with BC
    Things are getting better for treatment every day
    And there ain't no use worrying till you know what you are worrying about
    We're with you and your neice


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