Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"We Prostituted Christianity...."

From David@Montreal:

A thought-provoking extract from Richard Rohr:

"We prostituted Christianity when we told people they had to 'save their souls'. That attitude often affirmed the ego 'spiritually,' which is very dangerous and deceptive. We called it the journey into holiness, but it was often disguised and denied self-interest.

Saving one's soul and falling in love with God are two very different journeys. Because we told our people to save their souls, they got into spiritual consumerism, gathering sacraments, holy works, ascetical practices- all affirming the false self. Now we've got these big Christian egos walking around, who are very self-protective, satisfied and conservative in the wrong way. Conversion is not on their agenda. Every preacher or teacher knows what I'm talking about.

An unhealthy conservatism is incapable of exodus,of risk, of passion, and, therefore, perhaps of the living God."

From Letting Go: A Spirituality of Subtraction

Many thanks to David for sending me this. I can only say, "Amen!"


  1. WOW! This is excellent!

  2. WhiteyCat, I couldn't get the words up on my blog fast enough. They are so very true and right.

  3. This is excellent - I love Richard Rohr!

    And David!

  4. Outstanding concise brilliance.

  5. I'm opting for falling in love with God. Concern with MY soul is not going to deliver me from my bondage to the false self.

  6. The thing is, Paul, I want to know if you really, really, really have accepted Jesus as your Savior?

  7. Where was this man and his book when I was being hounded by an evangelical friend a few years back?! Falling in love means so much more than simply saying, "I believe today!"

  8. He's amazing.
    Did you know you can subscribe to his brief daily meditations on his website? A friend sometimes forwards them and they are always outstanding.

  9. Here's the link to the page to sign up to receive RR's daily meditations.

  10. Yes, Mimi, I have, long, long ago. So I don't have to back off to the born-agains. I have always known that Jesus loves me. I just don't buy a concept of what I call "punctiliar" salvation - where it's all about one point in your life. I am a work in progress and so are we all and so is all creation. Thanks be to Godde!
    Paul the BB

  11. Paul, you and me, too. And in the Alpha class, I asked Jesus to come into my heart three times, just in case he wasn't already there.

    I'm far from perfected, and I won't be this side of heaven, but I know that God loves me "just as I am", as the song says.

  12. Three times! My, they really must put the fear of God in one. I am confident Jesus was already in your heart, no matter what they may have taught.


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