Sunday, June 7, 2009

"What Facebook Is For"

My apologies to all Facebook lovers. C'mon, forgive me. I know you laughed.

Thanks to Lapin for the link.


  1. Yes, I did laugh. That was right on.

  2. Worth checking full-screen for the facebook page for Muhammad and the PIAF page - I have a friend who is forever bugging me to watch Zeitgeist (life's too short!)

  3. Here from Klady's link on Facebook; thatsa funny.

  4. Hilarious! Signed, Your Facebook Friend (who you only know from another website and will probably never actually meet).

  5. The voice is frighteningly like that of my elder brother! Scary!

  6. SR, in truth, I thought the voice was yours. No wonder. It's in the family.

  7. Neat, isn't it? The creator of the video, a guy called Mike Booth, was asked in an interview:

    What do you think it takes to make a popular online video?

    He replied

    I think you need three things:
    1) Some skimpy underwear.
    2) The ability to dance in a sexually provocative manner.
    3) To be a good-looking girl.
    If you've got those three things, your video will get hundreds of thousands of hits within days of being uploaded.
    If you're not a good-looking girl you have to work a lot harder.

  8. Border Explorer, you never know.

    Lapin, I saw that. He has a point.

  9. I think I laughed through the entire video. You might have to be single to really get a charge out of the last big segment about watching to see if women have recently become single.

    I'm neutral on Facebook, and definitely not enthused enough to keep up with it. It was fun catching up a bit with people from my past, seeing photos of how the "babies" grew up. I've continued contact with a couple of them, probably because we found out we have things in common again.

  10. Lynn, I signed up with Facebook, but I hardly ever go there.

  11. I'm a FaceBooker but I laughed.

  12. I'm a FaceBooker but I laughed.

  13. A Facebooker? Is that what y'all call yourselves, Lindy? I'll try to remember that.


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