Sunday, July 5, 2009

Dare We Hope?

From The Hill via Americablog:

by Joe Sudbay (DC) on 7/05/2009 05:04:00 PM
The thing about Senator Chuck Schumer is that he's a political creature. All Senators are to some extent, but Schumer sees all things through a political lens. So, when Schumer supports the public option in legislation to reform health care, it makes political sense. And, Schumer not only supports the public option, today, he guaranteed it:

The healthcare reform bill that emerges from Congress this year will include a government-run public health insurance option, regardless of the bipartisan negotiations seeking a compromise in the Senate, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Sunday.

"Make no mistake about it, the president is for this strongly. There will be a public option in the final bill," Schumer said on CBS News's "Face the Nation."

Schumer made his prediction just days before the Senate returned to the work of getting a bill passed by the first week of August amid significant disagreement between Democrats and Republicans -- and among Democrats themselves -- over controversial issues such as the public option.

We already know the policy reasons for including the public option. Nothing says the public option is good politics more than Schumer's blessing.

I do hope that Schumer is right.


  1. Yeah, me too!
    And thanks for putting up the prayer for the General Convention.

  2. Hope so -- we need the public option.

  3. It is encouraging. Now may it come to pass.

  4. SCG, I've had the prayer up for a couple of months.

  5. Sometimes, I'm a little slow on the up take. :)


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