Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Great Big Thank You!

Ever since I returned from Anaheim, I've wanted to post about the very hard work of the members of both houses at GC. I'm late, but you know how the saying goes - BLTN. It was no vacation at Disneyland for the bishops and deputies. In addition to the regular sessions of the two houses, there were endless committee meetings which started early in the morning and others that lasted late into the night. A good deal of the work of the convention was moved along with the help of the committee meetings.

From my heart, I thank all deputies and bishops for their dedication and hard work at the convention. Most of them returned home exhausted. Being on the premises, I witnessed their diligence firsthand, and I gained insight into the great gifts that they contribute to the well-being of our church.

Several delegates who have served at more than one convention told me that GC09 was one of the best-organized in their experience. I thank those who worked for months, and even years, before convention to ensure that the actual work of the meetings proceeded smoothly.

Bishop Katherine and HOD president, Bonnie Anderson, deserve a good deal of credit for the calm, assured, and fair manner in which they conducted the meetings of the two houses.

And last, but not least, because the convention could not have happened without them, I commend the many volunteers who gave so generously of their time and presence. In my dealings with volunteers, in nearly every case, I found them to be helpful and unfailingly polite and patient.

Thank you all! Virtual hugs and kisses to all, including those of you whom I don't know and will never know.


  1. Paul, I suppose that you have attended conventions in the past, but it was a revelation to me to see how really hard the delegates and bishops worked

  2. I wish our bishop didn't work so hard to concentrate power in the junior house. But I'm grateful for the many people who gave their time and talent to keep TEC moving forward, especially in the area of loving all and judging none about which I think Jesus had something to say.

  3. Piskie, I thanked liberally without making distinctions. We all wish some of them, bishop and delegates, were working hard on other matters.


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