Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mishmash Of A Message

The latest missive from the Archbishop of Canterbury reflecting on General Convention 2009 is so very depressing. I resolve to put it out of my mind, but commentary on it is all over Anglican Blogland. Few seem pleased with it. "Revisionists" and "reasserters" alike are unhappy. I'm yet to read an approving commentary. I wish that I could get it out of my head.

Mark Harris at Preludium shares his reflections on the ABC's reflections, which are well worth reading. The words below, taken from Mark's post, brought forth a rueful smile even in the midst of the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

The essay is a mishmash of reheated sausage, dry toast and a dropped egg or two. Hardly a good breakfast here in the US, and for that matter a sorry mess of a breakfast even in England.



  1. I agree with your thoughts totally. Trying not to let this wipe out my good feelings from GC...

  2. HF, yes. I've come down from my GC09-resolution-induced high. What a spoiler the ABC's letter is. Can't he see that his words promote schism, rather than work to hold the Communion together? I guess not.

  3. GM, I"m taking a rather more optimistic view of Rowan's letter than Mark. I hope to reflect on it in the next day or two. One thing is that I see him as being diagnostic rather than prescriptive. I certainly don't agree with everything he says, but much of what he says is simply describing the present situation -- without necessarily approving of it. I think he is leaving doors open and inviting us to go through them. More at my place in a day or two...

  4. I"m taking a rather more optimistic view of Rowan's letter....

    Tobias, your more optimistic reflections are likely to be a needed counterpoint to those of gloomy folks like Mark and me, and that's all to the good. I look forward to reading your post.

  5. I believe Tobias is right about it being more descriptive - as, indeed, the docs out of GC09 are. I also look forward to what he has to say (and have been eager for his observations) as I hope they will help talk some of the rest of us down, so to speak.

    Alas, where I disagree with Rowan the disagreement is so vehement that I have long since written him off.

  6. I know what you mean, Grandmere. It's probably roughest for those of us in Episcopal dioceses where the higher-ups insist> we are still in the winter season, and not the spring that began melting the ice in Anaheim. His words only bolster more bigotry. Sad that he doesn't see that. Sadder still that a man who is supposed to be a man of faith appears to be a man of fear.
    And so I keep putting my trust in God to watch over him, and us, as we carry on.

  7. Paul, you and I and not a few others could use a bit of talking down.

    SCG, yes, we'll need to be patient for a while longer, but the progression is in the right direction.

  8. I"m taking a rather more optimistic view of Rowan's letter than Mark

    Did Rowan mention retirement?!

  9. Mark, the retirement could happen sooner than we think. I doubt that RW will do another Lambeth, and he may well go before the next Lambeth, if there is a next Lambeth.

  10. Mimi, at this point I suspect that talking me down would be an impossible task.

  11. Mike, if anyone can talk me down, it would be Tobias. That the ABC's letter may be descriptive, rather than prescriptive, doesn't soothe me.

  12. I'll be very interested in what Tobias has to say, but I've already heard enough "descriptive versus prescriptive" from our bishop, Gary Lillibridge, the lone Episcopalian RW put on the Windsor Continuation Committee. He does it to look like he's struggling with the issue and to appease a certain rector making noises about taking his parish and joining the Nigerians.

    He's not struggling, he's just finding alibis, IMO.

  13. Mike, someone needs to put an end to any further meetings or committees having to do with Windsor. They're a waste of time and money, for there's no more life in the Windsor process.


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