Thursday, July 9, 2009

Off To Anaheim!

I'll be staying with Sleeping Beauty, who lives happily ever after in her castle, pictured above, but I'll pop across the street to the Hilton from time to time to see what's happening at the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, with great hopes of mingling with the rich and famous.

I'm not taking my laptop, because I can't face the hassle of going through security with the damned thing. Plus, as I said to a friend, "I want to BE in the moment, rather than think of what I'll write about the moment."

Pray for a safe and uneventful trip for me, and, above all, pray for those who do the work at the convention, that the Spirit of God may guide them in their activities and that the love of God be present with them throughout the the coming days. The prayer for the convention is at the top of my right sidebar.

I'll turn off the comment function before I leave tomorrow morning until I return on Monday. Be kind to one another while I'm gone. I won't be around to keep you in line, but you're on your honor, and I will be kicking ass and taking names, once I'm home.

Au revoir, mes chers amis.

Image from Wiki.


  1. Enjoy and I cannot wait for your pearls when you come back!

  2. bon. au revoir, mon ami. je pour vous prie. excuse...avez vous dire (kw)e vous etes rester en le disney suite in the friggin' castle????!

  3. Enjoy -- I wish I was going. Maybe Indianapolis in 2012.

  4. Ciss, thanks. Regarding the pearls, don't overexpect.

    Scott, it's all true, if you allow for un petit peu de southern embellishment and hyperbole.

    Thanks, Allen. This will be my first and probably my last GC.

  5. Au revoir, and traveling mercies to you, Grandmere. Wish I could join you, but will be observing from Tallahassee. Here's hoping this is the Convention when we move beyond the b-s!!

  6. Have a good flight, Mimi, and a grand time still I catch up with you on Friday!

    Watch out for dwarves....

  7. I'll be praying for you all down there that the Holy Spirit will give strength and wisdom - and trying my best to resist the temptation to advise the Holy Spirit as to what that wisdom might be!

  8. A safe and happy journey is my wish for you. And I think this will be a journey of the Spirit as much as a physical trip. Godspeed!

  9. Mimi, if you get a chance to meet any of the delegates from the Diocese of Georgia, please say "Hi!" to our Senior Warden, Charlie Hough. This is not as bizarre as it sounds . . . Charlie tends to stand out.

    He's quite large, has a fringe of white/gray hair pulled back into a short ponytail, clean-shaven, rather slow-moving as he's had knee surgery, easily the loudest person I've ever met - seriously, his voice has a natural amplification quality, it's not that he's overly-talkative or brash. He's also one of the most warm, gentle and delightful people I've ever known. I think you'd really enjoy talking with him and Bonnie (his wife). Having retired from a successful career as a Harley-Davidson dealer (he recently recovered from mild road rash due to a spill!), he has just been accepted to the postulancy for the priesthood.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. "I want to BE in the moment, rather than think of what I'll write about the moment."

    Well said!
    Enjoy every moment of it.
    Love and prayers.

  12. Safe travelling. The convention will be on my prayer list.

  13. Awaiting you with open arms -- see you soon.

  14. Thanks all. See you when I return.


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