From the LA Times via the AP:
Woodward, Okla. -- Former President George W. Bush was greeted by thunderous applause on the Fourth of July as he told thousands of spectators in a rural Oklahoma rodeo arena that the U.S. was "the greatest nation on the face of the earth."
Bush was given six standing ovations as he spoke in GOP-friendly Woodward, a town of about 12,000 residents in northwestern Oklahoma.
About 9,200 tickets were sold for the event -- the biggest crowd for Bush since he left office in January.
Bush spoke of the bravery of injured troops he had met as president, and thanked members of the military for their service. He told the crowd it was nice of them "to give a retired guy something to do."
You should thank the brave troops, George. You sent them to fight.
Please! Give the retired guy something to do. I wonder if Laura is yet tired of having him underfoot.
I wonder, too, if God has the same opinion about the US being "the greatest nation on the face of the earth".
UPDATE: A little bird told me that Ellie was not in the crowd applauding.
So what? Looks like a bunch of folks who'd give standing ovations to competitors in the cow-pat slinging contest. The Snake Handlers tent was probably real popular as well. Recently, let's face it, the Republican Party's remaining leaders have been doing a fine job of making him look good.
ReplyDeleteThe Nixon rehab was fairly successful. You never know.
ReplyDeleteNothing to say unless it's tearing down someone else? How liberal of you . . . and why the vile seeps through your comments.
ReplyDeleteBut thanks for the post, it is nice to remember when we had a President who actually liked the nation and the people who make it work (instead of tearing it down).
GOPer, were you in the crowd? Did Bush make any gaffes in his speech?
ReplyDeleteNo, I was not in the crowd. Neither was a teleprompter with all of his thoughts, ideas and convictions . . . and he still knew what he believed.
"....all his thoughts..." ROTFLMAO... Oh, please GOPer, you're killing me with humor.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say that I like Bush. Oh, wait, you were talking about George W... Sorry, I misunderstood.
I'm sorry Mimi. I just had to be bad once today.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to give him something to do---breaking rocks in prison for war crimes.
ReplyDeleteGOPer--I love my country. I liked it better before George Bush and his cronies nearly destroyed it--because people like you were willing to defend them while they raped the Constitution and sent a bunch of poor kids (not their own, of course) to fight a trumped-up war.
I'm sure Mr. Bush knows what he believes, btw. Might makes right. The rich should rule the earth. God is on my side.
Funny how, if you pick up the Gospels, you will find none of those things in the words of Jesus. But I'm sure you won't let that stop you from calling Mimi "vile." I've noticed that a lot of people in your party seem to like to beat people with a Bible they've clearly never read.
P.S. I should apologize in advance, Mimi. I'm crabby today and I know good and well you can't tell someone like GOPer a damned thing, but I don't like it when someone waves the "patriotism" flag and calls someone like you--who lives her faith--"vile." I'm still working on that "turn the other cheek" thing.
Doxy, no apology necessary. My thanks to you. I handed off to my readers. Go ahead and run with the ball.
ReplyDeleteAs for me, I consider being called vile by GOPer irony of the highest order, not often to be found in the comments to my humble blog.
"Neither was a teleprompter." Right, GOPer! Your Boy never had need for one of those, did he?
ReplyDeleteWorm - Interestingly, you accuse W of putting words in the Gospel but you cannot prove your point without putting words in HIS mouth!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Mr Bush knows what he believes, it doesn't change on his geographic location, the response of the polls, or the changing 'convictions' as seen in the present administration (if I may use that term ever so loosely).
Bizarre - Did I claim that W never needed a prompter? I simply pointed out that he could make a point with or without one. The current President seems to need one of those because he must be told what he believes.
TO ALL WHO 'APOLOGIZE' - I know that you were offering a semi-humorous statement to Mims because you think you've shown me up. She says there is no need to apologize, and I agree. Unless, of course, you are apologizing for voting this President into office. Then I might accept.
And if you think that comment needs apologizing, you might want to consider the fact that the actions of this administration (and Congress) are indeed pushing the overwhelming majority of Americans back into the Right.
(I might be surprised if the Mims lets this one through)
GOPer, "the Mims" doesn't have any guards up to prevent comments. All I have is the delete button. Your comment doesn't rise to the level of hitting the delete button, because you provided me with a bit of amusement.
ReplyDeleteI fail to see the hordes moving to the right, but - hey! - that's me.
It MUST be you, and you are not Gallup.
ReplyDelete(But ACORN didn't manipulate that one.)