Friday, July 31, 2009

The Rabbi And The Eggs

A rabbi and his wife were cleaning up the house for Passover. The rabbi came across a box he didn't recognize in the refrigerator. His wife told him to leave it alone, and she would take care of it when she finished the preparations for the holiday.

While his wife was doing so, of course curiosity got the best of the Rabbi. He opened the box, and inside he found three eggs and $2000. He was happy that it wasn't something 'bad,' but he was puzzled about the contents. He could understand a stash of money, but why hide eggs? And they didn't even smell rotten.

When his wife came home, he immediately admitted to her that he opened the box, and asked her to explain the contents.

She sighed and explained that every time he had given a bad sermon, she would put an egg in the box...

He interrupted, "In twenty years, only three bad sermons? I think that's pretty good!"

His wife continued, "... and every time I got a dozen eggs, I would sell them for $1.

From Doug, of course. I forgot to give him credit.


  1. Surely not limited to Rabbi type pastors.

  2. The version I always heard of that joke was it was ears of corn instead of eggs, and it was an "ear of corn for every time I have been unfaithful to you in our marriage."

    Then the punchline is, "Oh, well, I would always sell when corn got up past $4.00/bushel."


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