Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thought For The Day - Richard Rohr

It’s quite clear that in the final analysis it’s the grace of God that liberates us. It’s the experience of divine and unconditional love that really sets us free. No political system can offer us this inner liberty.

Daily Meditations by Richard Rohr. (Adapted from Simplicity, p. 121)


  1. How very true. Freedom comes from within.

  2. Grandmère Mimi, this blog of yours is a friendly and enriching place for me to hang out. Thanks for sharing the Rohr quote.

  3. Amelia, yes!

    Марко, thank you! Don't get too accustomed to your name in Greek, love, because sometimes I feel lazy and don't take the time to copy and paste.

  4. Fran, I thank you for introducing me to Richard. I now receive his Daily Meditations, much to my benefit. I hope he doesn't mind my using brief quotes. I link to his page in exchange.

  5. And thank YOU Mimi (via Fran), for introducing Fr. Rohr to me - and providing the link. I've just signed up for his daily meditations as well. :-)


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