Friday, July 3, 2009

Wow! More Obama Secrecy On Cheney

From TPM Muckraker:

Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised at this point. But the latest example of the Obama administration mimicking the Bushies in opting for secrecy over openness feels like one of the most infuriating yet.

The Justice Department is declining to release Dick Cheney's interview with federal investigators looking into the Valerie Plame leak, arguing -- as it did under President Bush -- that doing so would discourage future high-level officials from cooperating with criminal investigations.

Extremely weak defense. And what about Obama's promise to be open and transparent?

Outing Valerie Plame as a covert CIA officer was a despicable act, all for the sake of discrediting her husband, Joe Wilson, who stated that, despite the Bush maladministration's claims to the contrary, Saddam did not purchase yellowcake from Niger in the 1990s, a statement that was later proved to be true. We need to know the full story of Cheney's machinations in this ugly affair.


  1. Outing Valerie Plame was treason. Period. Cheney and all involved should have been tried, convicted, and hanged for it. And, like Mrs. Slocum, I am unanimous in that.

  2. As you said back at election time, Mimi, Obama's a bit too much of a centrist.

  3. Paul, if you clicked the link, you saw that there's a lawsuit. I can't believe that Cheny's interview will have to be pried out of Obama's hands by the courts - if the courts rule in favor of the release. And I am unanimous in that.

    Tim, now I'd say center, leaning right, taking cues from the former team in the White House.


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