Monday, July 20, 2009

Your Gasoline Purchases At Work



During the construction phase…Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


All finished. Notice the palm trees outside.


The INSIDE view:

Remember, this is in the middle of the desert. The very HOT desert where temperatures get up to 120 degrees...

Unbelievable! But true.


But, but, but...where's Santa and his sleigh and reindeer in this Winter Wonderland?

I confess to doubting that this was a real vacation spot, but I owe Doug an apology.


  1. This is bizarre. You'd think people would get sick going from heat to freezing to heat again.

  2. "Oh, the weather outside is frightful/but the fire is so delightful!"

  3. Why do the words "frightfully wasteful" spring to mind?

    What is it about rich people in deserts?

  4. So much money and no idea what best to do with it.

    They could always give me some. I wouldn't go skiing.

  5. I'm a little ashamed to make a comment since we run our air-conditioning unit 24/7 during a good many months of the year, and we live in a house that is too large for two people. We talked about moving to a smaller house some years ago, but Grandpère said that the only way he will move out is in a box, which settled the matter for me, unless I was prepared to leave him or do him in. And to be entirely truthful, as I've aged, the thought of moving and clearing out the detritus of 26 years in our house grows more daunting by the day. Therefore, I am now as guilty as he.

    Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

  6. I don't think using air conditioning in the hot, humid south to make the temperature more reasonable by 10-20 degrees can really be compared to manufacturing a truly arctic environment complete with snow in the middle of a dune.

  7. Rick, luv, thank you for your priestly absolution. I don't lose sleep over running my AC. In fact, I probably sleep all the better because of it. Let me have my little moment of guilt and repentance for using far more than my fair share of the world's resources. It won't last long.

  8. "I'm a little ashamed to make a comment since we run our air-conditioning unit 24/7 during a good many months of the year,"

    I will second Rick's+ comment by saying that there just ain't no comparison.

    Running the AC 24/7 in a small ranch style house in Thibodaux to make the heat, humidity, and mosquitoes just a little more bearable isn't quite the same as a ski slope (and a slope as big as Aspen Mountain) in the middle of the desert.

    The differences in intention and in scale are so immense.

  9. Counterlight, I agree there is no comparison between my house and the frozen theme park in the middle of the desert. However, to be honest, my house isn't small. Each of our three children had his/her own bedroom, which makes for a four-bedroom house for just GP and me now. It's a house for a family. But I admit that it's lovely when we have company.

  10. You're still a family, Mimi!

    And as you have pointed out many times, the grandkids are there.

  11. " house isn't small. Each of our three children had his/her own bedroom, which makes for a four-bedroom house for just GP and me now."

    I'd bet money that the Presidential Suite at the Waldorf Astoria is a lot bigger.

    I've seen your house, and while pleasant and comfortable looking, it's not exactly Versailles with 15 miles of backyard.

  12. Yes, Mimi, I think Counterlight knows from Versailles!

  13. Susan, it's quite nice for the sleepovers.

    Counterlight, my house is not Versailles? Well, that was my intention when we built it - a mini-Versailles. I'm crushed.

  14. Could you imagine having to clean the Hall of Mirrors?
    Think of all the Windex!

    I think you may well be much more comfortably housed than the average French monarch.

  15. Could you imagine having to clean the Hall of Mirrors?



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