Friday, August 21, 2009

Comment Moderation Is On

Troll is visiting and leaving annoying comments, so I've turned on the comment moderation function.

Troll, look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself why you take pleasure in annoying people. That sort of behavior is rather common in bored 9-10 year old boys, but I assume that you are past that age. Why do YOU persist in such behavior?


  1. Sad but necessary. I have modceration on, so does MP and most other bloggers. ::sigh::

    One of the rules of the marketplace of ideas is that participants need to behave. Some simply do not get it.


  2. I had a comment from the troll that he could not answer my question, because I would not publish it. LOL. He's right. He should answer into the mirror, not here.

  3. Is it one of the regulars? It's sad that the trolling blocks the livelier parts of discussion. I think its why a lot of our comments and discussion have moved to facebook.

    I wish the trolls would just go find their own blog communities instead of leaving droppings on ours. :-(

    Of course, I remember the usenet days on the mainrame at work, on a monochrome terminal, well before the world wide THOSE were flamewars!

  4. IT, it's the one who is obsessed with MP and folks who comment there. I dislike having moderation on, but I dislike the troll comments even more.

  5. You could always use that voodoo that you do.

  6. KJ, I could do that voodoo that I do so well, but I use my powers only sparingly.

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