Friday, August 21, 2009

Daily Meditation - Richard Rohr

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives us his only taught prayer,
which we call the “Our Father”
~ Matthew 6: 9 - 13

The prayer aligns all relationships truthfully and situates us correctly in a universe of meaning. The first three petitions align us vertically with the Transcendent, and the second four align us with the horizontal world of right relationships. Beginning with the first word, our, we are taught that we are social beings and that our relationship with God is not “mine” or private. It is shared, and others have the same dignity and relationship with God as we do. We either come to God together or we don’t come at all. We have allowed too many Christians to say a pious “My Father” instead of what Jesus clearly taught us, “When you pray say ‘Our Father’” (Matthew 6:9).

Adapted from Jesus’ Plan for the New World, p.164

Oh my! Father Rohr has similar crazy ideas to those of our Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts-Schori:

...The overarching connection in all of these crises has to do with the great Western heresy – that we can be saved as individuals, that any of us alone can be in right relationship with God. It’s caricatured in some quarters by insisting that salvation depends on reciting a specific verbal formula about Jesus. That individualist focus is a form of idolatry, for it puts me and my words in the place that only God can occupy, at the center of existence, as the ground of being...

(Wrings hands) What is the world coming to?


  1. Mimi, I know you are a great fan of MP. I sent him a comment which he refuses to print because I'm on his bad list. But let me try here.

    The discussion on MP's blog was about the priest facing east with his back to the congregation at mass. Mp approved the decision by Bishop Slattery to face east.

    But what MP didn't know was that Slattery's decision was not really about which way the priest faces.

    Slattery is one of the most reactionary bishops in American catholicism. He was a leader in the movement to ban Obama from speaking at Notre Dame. He makes it quite clear that the priesthood is superior to the laity; he makes it clear that the celibate state is superior to the married state;he sees the laity as onlookers at the mass which is between the priest and God only,in his view it is not important at all that the people hear or participate in the mass. He has been a strong defender of pedophiles in his diocese.And I could go on.

    The elevation of clergy over laity is his main goal.This has been themain goal of many in the catholic hierarchy and clergy. He supports the Latin mass and opposes the reforms of Vatican II.

    Yes, I am disturbed that MP will not point these thinngs out. Again, the real reson for Slattery's decision to change the common practice is only to elevate the clergy and diminish the laity.


  2. I have comment moderation on my blog. And, occasionally I pop out to do some of that work stuff I'm supposed to do. As soon as I came home, and before seeing this, I posted David's (not his real name, I expect it is Mr Multiple Personality Man) and responded to it.

    Mind you, I have to fess up. I only did it so I could make him look really thick.

  3. Mimi, I do not want to use your blog for others' disputes. However, MP, in his usual style, had responded to some questions on his blog; perfectly legitimate questions. His last response was very insulting. I responded and he did not publish my response.

    He then responded further by calling me a "transsexual" and making very crude statements.

    I do wonder if calling me "Mr Multiple personality" is an area he really wants to get into.

    Obviously I do not use my "real" name because he has stated he will automatically ban any comment form me and others.

    I go to his blog because it can be interesting and informative. I must say his treatment of others is not exactly "Christ like."

    BTW he is completely mixed up as to who I am.

  4. Mimi, I do not want to use your blog for others' disputes.

    Anonymous, then why are you doing so? Let's understand each other. I do NOT want you to use my blog for disputes with others. If you do it again, I will delete your comments. If you persist, I will turn on comment moderation myself.

    I don't care who you are, but I don't like unsigned anonymous comments, either, so stop right now.


Anonymous commenters, please sign a name, any name, to distinguish one anonymous commenter from another. Thank you.