Sunday, August 2, 2009

Helpful Old Guy

I was in Lowe's the other day pushing my cart around when I collided with a young guy pushing his cart.

I said to the young guy, "Sorry about that. I'm looking for my wife and I guess I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

The young guy says, "That's OK. It's a coincidence. I'm looking for my wife, too. I can't find her and I'm getting a little desperate.

I said, "Well, maybe we can help each other. What does your wife look like?"

The young guy says, "Well, she is 24 years old, tall, with blond hair, big blue eyes, long legs, big boobs breasts, and she's wearing tight white shorts, a halter top and no bra. What does your wife look like?"

I said, "Doesn't matter --- let's look for yours."

Most old guys are helpful like that.

I've been much too serious of late. I needed a break, and here comes Doug to the rescue.


  1. Talking of boobs, Fr Heron has put up an interesting scan for a caption contest.

  2. I never do captions. I have no gift for captions. Surely nothing comes to mind for that picture. Perhaps others want to play.

  3. I wasn't suggesting participation, just thought it was a pretty odd picture. A whole new angle on the Rowan/Schori thing?

  4. Is this an old picture? Bishop Katharine looks young in the picture, and her face looks fuller than now.

  5. Haven't a clue. I saw it, thought it funny (up there with the recent pic of Bp Ackerman of Quincy ogling Ruth Gledhill), and thought it rude to link it w'out acknowledgment.

  6. Heh heh heh! (I don't get it.)

  7. Come on, KJ. Surely you have a purely intellectual understanding of the joke.


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