Saturday, August 1, 2009

I Heard The Owl Call...

...not my name.

When I walk after dark, I sometimes see a barred owl in flight. The bird is usually invisible once it gets in the tree branches. However, last night I saw where one of the owls landed, and when I got closer, there it was perched on top of a high light post staring down at me, following my progression with owl eyes. Seeing the large bird follow me with its eyes was a little unsettling.

As I returned home, I wondered whether the bird would still be on the light pole, watching as I passed. Before I reached the pole, the owl, or another owl, called out with its loud owl sound - twice! - on the other side of the street. A spooky night sound, surely. To tell the truth, I was relieved to see that the owl had left its perch on the pole, and I did not have to watch it follow me with its large owl eyes once again.

Thus endeth my nightime adventure in my neighborhood.

Image from Wiki. I'm grateful for the pictures at Wiki, because they are not protected by copyright, so I like to give them credit.


  1. How lovely, we often see hedgehogs, the odd fox or two and the ocassional badger, but never owls.

  2. Hands up those who read the novel "I heard the owl call my name"?

  3. Hey, Petty, Maybe we should read it. Right IT?

  4. I guess this is confession time. I need to read the book, too.


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