Wednesday, August 26, 2009

In Thanksgiving For Myron - Please Pray

Morning all,

There is some encouraging news concerning Myron this morning. He gave one of the doctors a thumbs up yesterday when a he was asked to do so, and blinked at Stephanie when she asked him if he could hear her to blink.

A MRI should finally be done today to see what type of breaks are in his back. I've been a bit anxious that that be done for the over all picture of all the fractures. BTW he fractured ALL of his ribs..

He also may extubated, meaning the tube would be removed from his throat, and a trach put in place.

I didn't go to the hospital yesterday as I needed a break from the family dynamic, and Bill expressed concern that I might get an infection from being there. I hadn't thought of that at all. Silly me.

So I'll head to Christiana Care this morning and hopefully come away with more information.


Thanks be to God, the medical staff, and all who care for Myron. Pray for Myron's full restoration to health and for the family - including Sue.

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