Sunday, August 30, 2009

Send Prayers Their Way

Not much comment on Susan Russell's blog posts about being in the shadow of the Station Fire, Miss June. This morning winds are worse and I fear for their family and neighbors. The Jet Propulsion Lab stands between them and the fire, not good news for JPL/NASA either. There is also a wide ravine, but that will be nothing against wind-blown sparks.

I get the feeling not many people know. Would you ask for prayers please.

Thanks and God bless you and your loved ones!
Pat Klemme

See Susan Russell's post at An Inch at a Time and let them know that you care.


  1. Susan has some pretty dramatic pictures on her blog. (The photo of the dogs was great, though.) I hope they are able to control the fire.

  2. The pictures are very scary. The dogs don't worry until they have to.

  3. Yeah, too close for comfort. The smoke on Thursday was like a pillar over downtown Los Angeles....


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