Monday, August 31, 2009

Sprout May Be On The Way

If you could please keep me and (Mrs. H.) in your prayers today we would appreciate it. It looks like she is in the first stage of active labor, so we may have Sprout by the end of the day... Thank you all and I'll post to the blog and facebook as soon as I can on the progress.

Arkansas Hillbilly

UPDATE: It's a girl!!! Go see the little beauty at Hillbilly's blog.

Contratulations to Hillbilly and especially to Mrs. Hillbilly, who, after all, did the hard work, which turned out to be not so hard, because Sprout was kind enough to her mama to come quickly. Thanks be to God. Great news and great rejoicing all around! Welcome to our world, dear little Sprout.

Thanks, IT.


  1. Prayers for you, Mrs. H, and Sprout as well as the labor/delivery team and all others assisting in this blessed event!

  2. It's a girl! AH has posted the first pic on his blog already. She came fast so she's gorgeous!


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