Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Billionaires For Wealthcare"

Counterlight posted two videos of counter-protesters at the teabaggers' party in DC this past weekend. They made my day. As I said over there, what strikes me about the protesters against Obamacare is their dourness. There's hardly a smile to be seen amongst them.

You may want to check out the Billionaires for Wealthcare website.

UPDATE: Here's Rachel Maddow on the Billionaires for Wealthcare.


  1. Tenured Radical, a history professor, posts her report with interview results on her blog. I commend her blog generally.

  2. Paul (A.), that is a fine account of the gathering. I believe that TR's take on what the folks were protesting is right. While waiting outside for Mary Landrieu's town hall meeting on health care, I heard quite a number of critical comments about Bush from those protesting Obamacare.


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