Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hitler Rises To Speak...

...on Obama's speech to the school children of the US.

Nicked from MadPriest. For heaven's sake don't get the idea that MP was clever enough to MAKE this video. For the record, a reader named Scott sent it to him.


  1. Interesting report in today's paper that suggested that although the text was released early there were still schools that pulled the broadcast.

  2. DP, ignorance and stupidity (yes, I must call it that) abound. I shake my head in disbelief, but it is true.

  3. I love the line syncing with Stalin. How true!

  4. This is so tasteless and outrageous that I posted it on my blog.

    I have to agree with amyj.

    "Their parents are so stupid they can't tell me from Stalin!" just about made me spit tea all over the monitor.


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