Saturday, September 26, 2009

"No Man's Land"

And the wars continue, and the dying continues on, and on, and on.

Well, the suffering, the sorrow, the glory, the shame
The killing, the dying, it was all done in vain,
For Willie McBride, it all happened again,
And again, and again, and again, and again.


  1. Thanks for highlighting this song. I know it well. I did not know June Tabor, but I hope to get to know her better.

  2. Thanks, Mimi. May the world pay attention.

  3. You're welcome, Lionel and Paul.

    June Tabor has lovely voice and folk singing style. I just sent off for a CD that includes this very sad song.

  4. A song I knew, but somehow even more haunting and lovely sung by June Tabor. Thank you.

  5. Suzi, haunting is exactly the word. I'm beginning to be haunted the fighting in Afghanistan. What is the end game?

  6. Mimi
    a good while I've been heartsick by the accumulation of Canadian soldiers being killed in Afghanistan. three days last week meant another five body bags coming back to Quebec.

    and it's not just the deaths either, all the working i've done in organizational transformation tells me we are only prolonging a much bigger problem by what is basically self-interested interference.

    my prayerful sense is that it will only be when the people of Islam are able to rise up against the misogenist patriarchy in their countries that there will be any accountability within Islam.

    the process- the struggle and the lessons have to be theirs for any justice or victory to be real

    Merci chere Mimi


  7. David, in another post, I mentioned that the British lost two wars in Afghanistan in the 19th century, and the Soviet Union lost one in the 20th century. The Afghans live there, and they will outlast us.


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