Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Episcopal Diocese Of Upper SC - Candidates

The Episcopal Diocese Of Upper South Carolina announced its candidates for the position of eighth bishop of the diocese.

The Very Reverend John B. Burwell
Rector, Church of the Holy Cross
Sullivan's Island, Daniel Island
and I'on, South Carolina

The Reverend Canon Dr. Neal O. Michell
Canon to the Ordinary,
Episcopal Diocese of Dallas
Dallas, Texas

The Reverend David F. O. Thompson
Rector, St. Bartholomew's Church
North Augusta, South Carolina

The Reverend W. Andrew Waldo
Rector, Trinity Episcopal Church
Excelsior, Minnesota

The Reverend Jerre Stockton Williams, Jr.
Rector, St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Kerrville, Texas

Videos of the candidates can be viewed from links at the diocesan website. Click on the names of the candidates to read their biographies. I have not had time to read the bios or watch the videos yet.

Thanks to Lapin for the link.

UPDATE: From the diocesan website:

At this point, we have one petition candidate whose picture and resume are posted here.

The Very Reverend Dr. Philip C. Linder
Dean, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
Columbia, South Carolina


  1. Three of these candidates, Burwell, Michell and Williams, are conservatives. Williams is a "Communion Partner Rector" and Burwell is a mainstay of Mark Lawrence's diocese of South Carolina. Could be a bumpy ride. I'm sure that there has been heavy politicking behind the scenes and that there will be more. Each candidate gave a statement on same-gender relationships. These are very revealing. Waldo, who seems an excellent candidate, is a former member of the Boston Camerata and was Director of the Early Music Program at the Longy School of Music from 1981 to 1985, when he enrolled in the School of Theology at Sewanee. He has an excellent record as 15-year rector of his present parish in Minnesota, including leading two of the parish's four post-Katrina relief trips. Fingers crossed that the Holy Spirit will do right by us. Dorsey Henderson has kept the diocese on a centrist track - as good as one can hope for in SC - and it would be a pity to see this thrown aside for a bishop who will march in lock-step with Lawrence.

    I have no idea how this will go. Election convention meets on December 12th.

    Oh, and going back to the main page on the slate of candidates, I see that Philip Linder, dean of Trinity Cathedral in Columbia, has just been added as a petition candidate. He might be described as a left-leaning centrist and his absence from the slate of candidates was a big surprise. FWIW, he is the recipient of much venom at Stand Firm. Incidentally, he makes an appearance, commenting on Governor Sanford's doings, in the final section of Jon Stewart's July 3rd "Gov. Sanford, The Confessional Is Officially Closed". Check it out. In the words of Jon Stewart, commenting on what Linder has said, "That's Episcopalian for Shut the F-ck Up!"

  2. Lapin, thanks for shedding more light on the candidates and for noting the addition of a petition candidate.

  3. I see that Underground Pewster an Upstate (Rock Hill) conservative has unearthed an Andrew Waldo sermon in which Waldo states that "how we as individuals and communities define the authority of scripture affects how we believe and act on the current Social Security debate, how we respond to poverty, the war in Iraq, questions around gay marriage, and within the church, how we view the ordination of my old friend and mentor, Bishop Gene Robinson".

    Bumpy ride for sure.


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