Friday, October 30, 2009

Latest Dispatch From Lindy In China

Just a quick note from your sniffly friend. I am feeling much better thanks to your care, a little rest, and some medications.

I still don't have an internet connection at home. But, a very nice man named Jackey is working on it. It is his duty. I do believe that eventually I will have a connection and that all will be well in my techonolgical life. But, in the meantime, China is teaching me patience.

I have to have a Chinese name to get my bank account and to sign up for cellular service so my new friend, Scott, wrote the name Lin Da for me in Chinese. It means beautiful and high achievement. Names are very important in China and he was honored that I asked him to help me with something so important.

We had one day of cooler weather but it's back to being hot in Wuxi. I've heard that I should enjoy it while I can because the winters are pretty harsh. That may, however, be relative...

I spent most of the morning trying not to give the true definition of "virgin bush" and cursing the Australian cultural bias of my text book. I do feel somewhat bad about sending the little darlings out into the world without knowing the full meaning of the term but it's not my job to teach them. Imagine the looks on their faces when they learn...

I am off now to the noodle shop for lunch. Best to all and love.


Ann forwarded Lindy's email to me, and I asked of it would be all right to post the news. Lindy responded to Ann as follows:

And you can tell her that I am on-line at home now so I have more leisure for this sort of thing.

I'm feeling more like myself now. I don't know what's in that Chinese medicine but it has gotten me up and going much faster than my colleagues who are still suffering through with their western medicine. I mean, sure, it tastes bad... But, I'm well again.

Best to you, Ann.

I'm sorry that Lindy was ill, but pleased that she is now feeling better. Lindy's comments about "virgin bush" had me rolling on the floor. The story is so Lindy.


  1. Much love to Lindy!! And many thanks to both of you for giving me a good laugh!

  2. Oh dear, being Australian I never saw the significance of that before but then I think naming a guy 'Randy' is asking for trouble.

  3. Thank you, Mimi. More than ever, I believe in the value of drawing your friend near, even when you are far away. Your love and support are more real and valuable than I can even say.

    The textbook definition of virgin bush is "Land which is totally natural, untouched by man." That's pretty much it, isn't it?

  4. Lindy! You're here! I'm glad I said nice things about you. I thought you couldn't access Blogger. I hope that you're all recovered now.

    The textbook definition of "virgin bush" serves quite well,

    If you decide to start blogging again, do let us know. Until then, I'm happy to post your dispatches. I have another on hold now waiting for time to add pictures from the wonderful set which you sent. You take great photos.

    Love and blessings to you.


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