Monday, October 19, 2009

R. I. P. Murphy


From my brother-in-law:

Just got back from the vet. Eric & Nicol had to have Murphy (the big black dog) put to sleep. When we came home from New Orleans, he was limping on his left front paw. Took him to the vet and he recovered some. Got worse Wednesday (leg swelled up). Got even worse Thursday. Turns out he had cancer of the spleen - very fast moving - he started to bleed out in his stomach and his red blood cells dropped drastically. We were all there this morning. This cancer is extremely fast moving and not much you can do. Needless to say its pretty somber here now.


Pray for healing for Murphy's family, especially little Molly. She loves her dogs.


  1. Praying for the whole family. I trust Murphy is wagging his golden tail.

  2. Thanks all. I'm sure the family appreciates the prayers.

    Murphy is the black dog, Paul.

  3. Prayers for Murphy and his family from me and the four cats. Losing a companion animal is a great sorrow.

  4. I think this is what Paul means, Mimi. I had to look it up when Grendel was sick.

    "Be thou comforted, little dog, Thou too in Resurrection shall have a little golden tail."
    Martin Luther
    Prayers here too- for pups and their mistresses.

  5. Yes, AmyJ, I was referring to Luther's comment. We count on all dogs getting golden tails when they meet Jesus.

  6. Amy, I see. Murphy now has a golden tail. I should try to keep up. Thanks for the explanation.

    My apologies to you, Paul.

  7. Prayers for Murphy's humans from Smoke and Sandstorm. Dogs and cats don't need prayers -- they did not screw up! May all your fire hydrants be warm Murphy!


  8. Oh, I'm so, so sorry. Murphy is beautiful.

    Losing a beloved dog is dreadfully hard and it must be especially so for a little girl who has known the dog her whole life.

    Count on my prayers.

  9. Thanks all. I spoke to my brother-in-law last night, and all the family read the post and the comments. I assure you that the prayers are greatly appreciated.


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