Saturday, October 31, 2009

Episcopal Diocese Of Minnesota - Rev. Brian Prior Elected Bishop

The Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota is pleased to announce that the Rev. Brian Prior has been elected IX Bishop of Minnesota.

Prior has been the Rector of the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection in Spokane, Washington since 1996. Among the manybrian prior photo slight crop boards and committees on which he serves, Rev. Prior is the Vice President of the House of Deputies of the General Convention of The Episcopal Church. He received his M.Div. from Church Divinity of the Pacific in Berkeley, California in 1987. Rev. Prior has been married to Staci Hubbard Prior for 21 years. They have two teenage sons.

"I am thrilled to have the privilege of being among the first to welcome Rev. Prior as our new bishop," says Scott Crow, chair of the Standing Committee, which is charged with overseeing the election. "Our process has been filled with prayer, discernment, and the movement of the Spirit in our midst. It has been a powerful experience to witness the church at work and I look forward to the joyful Ordination and Consecration of our new bishop on February 13, 2010."

H/T to John Chilton at The Lead.


  1. Brian has also served as Provincial Youth Ministry Coordinator for Prov. 8 and I had the great pleasure of working with him. Brian is exceptionally bright and articulate. He has a quirky sense of humor and a deep spiritual side. He was a constant surprise and inspiration to me personally. My prayers are with him and the Diocese of Minnesota.

    I'm very happy for them both.

  2. DaYouthGuy, thanks for weighing in. My prayers are with the new bishop and with the Diocese of Minnesota, too. It seems they've made a good choice.

  3. Yes, Brian is a good choice, made after careful and prayerful discernment. And, I would be less than honest if I didn't share my disappointment that we missed two very good possibilities of having stellar leadership from one of two fantastic and well-qualified women - one of whom happens to be a lesbian - in the HOB.

    At some point in time, someone is going to raise the fact for Search Committees that, whenever there are two women (or two minorities) on the slate, the two almost always cancel each other out and the White Straight Guy wins.

    Lucky for us, we have a stellar White Straight Guy in the HOB.

    I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.

    Mazel Tov, Diocese of MN.

  4. Another day, Elizabeth, another day....

  5. Tacking on to Elizabeth's comment, I really liked the Rev Budde. I met her on occasion while she sought her M.Div at VTS. I like anyone who can speak so forthrightly about those who dislike her.

  6. Pray for us in Louisiana. The walkabouts to meet the candidates are next Saturday, and the election is Dec. 5.


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