Thursday, October 22, 2009

Story Of The Day - Dark Garden

I once had a garden filled with flowers
that grew only on dark thoughts but
they need constant attention & one day I
decided I had better things to do.

From StoryPeople.


  1. This is a good one to remember when I spend my days thinking about the church et al

  2. Ann, I thought I had published this one days ago, but I hit save instead of publish.

    The church as a dark garden. Sad to say, that's too often true.

  3. That could describe my fight with the melancholy that sometimes haunts my life. And for me it was a gift to walk away, with help from many dear ones.

    Special poem!

  4. Ah Ciss, the melancholy is a hard thing to bear, isn't it? I'm glad you could walk away. I can, too, most of the time.


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