Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Your Thoughts?

Images courtesy of Cardinal Pirelli.


  1. You're asking a lot of your readers today, Mimi... how about you buy us all a cup of coffee and then ask again?

  2. Clumber, how do you like your coffee? I did not know that dogs liked coffee. Doesn't the caffeine disturb your naps?

  3. Black and strong, please. I prefer french press, but any style will do... and, trust me, nothing disturbs my naps!

  4. Cool!!! Maybe we'll get to ride dinos in heaven!

    Although I don't think I want to snuggle one. From the on the face of that one Jesus is cuddling, I suspect the Lord had to regrow his own right arm. "The Body and Blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ, given for you" indeed!

  5. That should have read:

    From the LOOK on the face of that one Jesus is cuddling, ...


  6. I had no idea Fred and Wilma were Christians.

  7. Caffeine all around for those who need it. There you go. Just to your taste.

    What about the Bible? The Bible never mentions dinosaurs. Jesus cuddled a lamb and rode a donkey. Leviathan was a creature of the sea.

  8. I think Mimi has been drinking something stronger than coffee today. She has left me reeling.

  9. Ha! Paul, some days I got nuthin', and some days there's too much, like today. Good thing I was energized and got at least part of what I wanted to post accomplished - alas! - to the neglect of much in my real life.

  10. I think Aslan would have had fun with this bunch.

  11. Almost all of my dogs have loved coffee, Mimi. Ten years back I had a male chow, Augie - Zoe's elder brother - who adored good coffee. He would happily drink a good quality variety, French press brewed, without either sugar or cream. Once we were staying with friends at the beach and I poured him a bowl of their coffee - Folgers, drip, with cream and sugar. He took one taste and promptly spat it out. Then he stared at me reproachfully. A coffee snob, Augie was.

  12. Tim, I think he would, and, best of all, in Storyland it could happen.

    Lapin, we've never tried offering coffee to our dogs. Diana would probably drink it. She eats and drinks just about anything.


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