Friday, November 20, 2009

Alleluia! Sing To Jesus

The hymn has been running through my head since last night. I could have worse things running through my head, don't you think? Here it is from my head through YouTube to your eyes and ears and my eyes and ears.

The pictures are from Scarborough in Yorkshire, which I only visited for 5 minutes, as I was changing trains. Since I've been to the north of England, I long to return to see all the places that I missed due to limited time.


  1. Hyfrydol is the lovliest of tunes and the words are wonderful.

  2. Mimi, that was just what I needed this evening...thank you!

  3. Thanks, Mimi. I am quite klutsy at prayer so I welcome the hymns that run thru my head and do some of my praying for me.

  4. Thanks, Mimi. One of my very favorites, and always a consolation. I sang along.

  5. Mary Clara, I sang along again, for maybe the 5th time.


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