Monday, November 16, 2009

"What I Want In A Bishop"

I wish that I'd written the following words, but they are from Ormonde at Through the Dust. He speaks what is in my heart as to what I want in the next bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana far better than I could ever say it.

In the diocese of Louisiana we’re getting ready to elect a new bishop on December 5. There have been walkabouts and talkabouts. We have heard from and met the six guys (all white and married with children). Once more here are my goals (somewhat revised) for the next bishop:

1. A bishop who has the three essential qualifications of leadership: wisdom, piety, and courage.
As Robert Hovda once said about the presider in liturgy, he needs to be strong, loving, and wise.

2. A bishop who is chief pastor of all the people of the diocese, not of any single party, theological persuasion, or social group.
That includes those who are poor and oppressed and whose voices are seldom heard.

3. A bishop who embraces collegiality with the presbyters and deacons of the diocese.
Before making major decisions, he needs to ask others what they think about it and then pay serious attention to what they say.

4. A bishop who conforms to the doctrine, discipline, and worship of The Episcopal Church, as set forth in our Book of Common Prayer and Constitution and Canons.
Even when our doctrine, discipline, and worship differ from those of other churches of the Anglican Communion, our vows concern this church alone and no other church.

5.A bishop who participates joyfully and enthusiastically in the life of The Episcopal Church.
We don't want a cynical joker (like some others in the old Confederacy) who drops threats that he might lead us out of our church or withdraw from the work of our church.

I'm closing the comments here. If you wish to comment, please go to Ormonde's blog.