Tuesday, December 1, 2009

And One More Thing...

Are you shocked that I post about condoms? I consider this another public service announcement on World AIDS Day.

Thanks to Ann.


  1. I don't think anyone round here could still be shocked by anything you post, dear Mimi.

    What a lovely advert!
    Very powerful!

  2. I doubt there's much you could do these days that would shock me, Mimi. Your mix of truth and humor is a boon to my sometimes weary soul.

  3. Wow. That is so good.

    You know, I forgot about World AIDS Day yesterday, but I'm happy to report that my last performance as an oboe player at the Kennedy Center (before entering the convent) was a benefit concert on the occasion of the very first World AIDS Day. It was a powerful event and I'll never forget it.

  4. The colors are pretty, aren't they?

    And y'all are not shocked? I'll have to try harder.

    Ellie, what an honor! My daughter played the oboe in her high school band. She started in the 10th grade switching from the clarinet, playing on the school's oldest oboe, which was always breaking down, and finally getting to use the good oboe in the 12th grade. She decided not to continue to play music, which made me sad, because she was good.

  5. Amen!!

    In working with a Family Planning program, we were the only people who had condoms in very large quantities when it was discovered that AIDS was transmitted sexually. I have given away millions.

    People need to be reminded that this is an effective way to prevent the spread of HIV

  6. Good for you, Mimi.

    Ellie, I love oboe music.

  7. Two Auntees, I hereby declare you Champion Dispenser of Condoms.

    Seriously, you did good. Hugs.

    Paul, I declare you a Champion - just a Champion.


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