Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Story Of The Day - Beautiful People

I have a friend who reads people's
auras. He sees all sorts of colors like
green & red & purple. He says anyone
can do it. All it takes is forgetting
everything you think you know & just
looking. I've tried it & even though I
haven't seen any colors yet, everyone I
meet looks so beautiful when I stop
knowing everything, that it's pretty hard
to go back to the old way.

From StoryPeople.


  1. Actually, a former parishioner always would tell me I have an aura when I am preaching -- she could see it, so could her daughter. She said it was light coloured, golden. And someone here also has said I have a sort of aura when presiding. Oh.

  2. A golden aura? Surely a prophetic sign, Caminante. One day you will be in the canon of saints, m'dear.

  3. Yes, I loved this one. It could be straight out of the Contemplative Living course I've been working.


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