Friday, December 4, 2009

Updates On Prayer Requests

From Ann:

Kay Rohde on FB

move to elkhorn rehab hosp Sat 10 AM. maybe 2 weeks, making good
progress, this was a much bigger deal than first thought to
reestabalish neurological highways down the spinal cord.. Thank you
all for prayers Full healing probable, may take 6-8-12 months. Thanks
for the messages they help. Come visit. I would love to see you
pokearound the corner. When you are present, God is present. Thank you.

My brother-in-law is recovering at home from acute diverticulitis and is in much less pain.

My niece is doing nicely after the hysterectomy.

From Susan S.:

I just heard from my Brother...he says that Harriette came thru okay, the surgeon is pleased, and Harriette is on the major sedation. We'll see what he says tomorrow. As I recall my mother's surgery, they got her up the next day for only a few seconds, but it hurt like hell even on the drugs.

From Eileen:

Can we add my mil Peggy here? She's moving to rehab later today to continue recovering from her hip replacement surgery for the next few weeks.

Thanks be to God, and may God continue to shine the healing light of love on all who are in need.

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