Saturday, January 30, 2010


Archbishop Robert Duncan Ornament (Oval)
Made by The Anglican Church in North America
on October 09, 2009 at 11:33 AM

Only $12.00 from Café Press.

Think how the archbishop's jewel-encrusted mitre will sparkle on your Christmas tree. If you find the perfect decoration, it's never too early to shop.

H/T to Mark Harris at Preludium.


  1. If I were to put that up, I think it would be the first time ever my cats would attack the Christmas tree. Ugh.

  2. Caminante, it was hard for me to believe that the ornament was not a joke, but, apparently, it's for real.

  3. Silly me. I thought it was Garrison Keilor spoofing a bishop. Unfortunately,it's not a spoof. It's very very real.

  4. Hang on. I'm gonna hafta make a bathroom run.

  5. All that glitters is not gold... or worthy of my Christmas tree! I shrieked when I opened your blog and saw this!

  6. Somehow I can tell that this will be quite a thread. I didn't mean to scare you, SCG. Maybe if I reduced the size of the picture?

    Who needs PhotoShop? You can't make this stuff up.

  7. At first I thought I was reading a satire from The Onion or something from of Ship of Fools.

    There's no accounting for taste, I know. This is kitsch.

    A Royal Copenhagen ornament it ain't. Could you imagine annual ePiscopal ornaments as collectibles for future ACNA families?

  8. Every Christian home should have one in its nativity. It would be a perfect illustration of the idea of a fallen humanity.

  9. Y'know, my creche could use a King Herod looming in the background!
    I don't know if reducing the size would help, Mimi. Something about these men in mitres with small mammals as eyebrows just give me the willies!

  10. I am fighting the urge to burn every Christmas item in the house right now. I don't know if I can resist.

  11. At first I thought I was reading a satire from The Onion or something from of Ship of Fools.

    Jay, each time I see the post, I think the same.

    Who amongst the folks at ACNA thought the ornament was in any way a good idea? Seems excommunication would be not too severe a punishment.

    Mike, hang on! Don't punish the innocent decorations for the guilty.

  12. I'll take a dozen. I probably hate that many people.

  13. Hmm. Perhaps we should send them to Trinity Seminary. They may need a little cheering since the Dio of Pgh now owns lots of ACNA's assets. I wonder who is supporting Trinity now and will in the future.

  14. I've given this a great deal of thought and I think the eyebrows are the worst part of the experience.

  15. Piskie, that's a good question.

    Cathy, so it's not the mitre, then.

  16. Don't like it any better here than on Facebook. It won't match my decor.

  17. Bishop Quinine would like one to hang from his piercing

  18. Amelia, are you sure? Seeing the larger version didn't make you change your mine, then.

    Note to self: Do not ask Fr Christian the location of Bishop Quinine's piercing.


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