Friday, January 8, 2010


That would be MotherAmelia. She's returning to Maine by the southern route to avoid the snow and cold. We have no snow, but we have cold. The low predicted for tonight and tomorrow night is 20­­° F.

She's spending the night, and she will be attending church with me on Sunday. Maybe Amelia can be persuaded to stay longer than one night. I am sooo looking forward to her visit.

Pray for safe travel for Amelia tomorrow and for the rest of her trip home.


  1. SAFE TRAVEL Mother Amelia and Izzie too!

    RECEIVED A NOTE FROM MARGARET--she loved Guatemala!

    I WILL TRAVEL TO MEXICO NEXT WEEK--gotta restock the good Mole! Ole´

    Happy everything!

  2. My prayers are for Mother Amelia's safe journey to you and her home beyond that.

  3. Saludos a todos, and especially to Mother Amelia. We were seminary classmates, so don't believe anything she tells you about me, although I doubt the subject will come up.

  4. Mickey, I'll make sure that the subject comes up.

  5. Prayers for safety in travel. I'm sure you will have a wonderful time.

  6. Have fun! And stay warm.

    wv: lednest

    What sort of bomb-out shelter is that (I know, led needs an 'a')? Or is it some sort of weird LED light thing?

  7. Wow! Not only will you get to enjoy Mother Amelia's company, but you will meet the famous Izzie, the Church Dog who has her very own blog. I do hope you have stocked up on bacon.

  8. Have a GREAT time together. Muwaaahh to you both.

    Or, in the spirit of the Word Verification: "Cowinti"

  9. Amelia and Izzie arrived safely. We had supper and a nice long chat, with Izzie contributing an occasional bark. Amelia and Izzie are delightful company. They have retired, and I shall be doing the same quite soon.

    There will be pictures, but not of the two doggies together. We have the dogs segregated, because Izzie is small, and Diana may mistake her for a cat, and you know how Diana feels about cats.

  10. Perhaps she could do a detour via my place. She wouldn't miss the snow though!


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