Tuesday, January 19, 2010


My visitor count yesterday was 666, the Mark of the Beast. What to make of THAT?

Click on the picture to enlarge.

My numbers are higher than usual because of the many visitors to my two posts on Holy Trinity Cathedral in Haiti.

Is it the voudou in Haiti, or the voodoo in New Orleans?

Tongue pressed firmly in cheek!


  1. ¨I knew that Voodoo that you do so well¨...or something like that!

    (Don´t tell Bob Duncan, he´ll organize a special Diocese to improve his numbers),

    PW: shnic...seems about right.

  2. I saw your "Oh No!" headline over on the blogroll at Friends-of-Jake.

    I figured you were talking about the Massachusetts Senate election.

    {Le Sigh}

    Though I know some Dems are actually getting Fired Up, and saying "Pass a BETTER Health Care Reform Bill now, through Reconciliation (w/ 51 votes)!"

    IF Dems acted like Republicans, of course, that (Reconciliation) is EXACTLY what they'd do. As Jon Stewart said last night: "George W. Bush NEVER had a 60-seat majority in the Senate, and he did whatever the f@ck he wanted!"

    But of course, Democrats RARELY if EVER act (tactically) like Republicans. Le Sigh...

  3. Leo, I couldn't work my voodoo on the Massachusetts senate race.

    JCF, I'm heartsick, and I'm writing a post right now on the race and craven Democrats in general.

  4. It's the official seal that you're a raving revisionist, I'm afraid.

  5. Maybe your ancestors made a pact with Pat Robertson.

  6. I am going to be looking for a picture of you with a commentary on the show with the real number of Satan soon. See Mimi on the 700 Club! ;-)


  7. I think it's "you do that voodoo that you do so well"--
    May take that to get leadership out of Washington. Once again, the worst are full of passionate intensity, and the best lack all intention....



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