Friday, January 22, 2010


Monday, January 22, 2007

My friends, I don't really have a blog. It seems I was forced to have a faux blog to be allowed to post comments on certain sites. I am looking at you, Elizabeth Kaeton.

Posted by Grandmère Mimi at 9:10 PM

And the single comment to my very first post was from - TAH-DAH! - Elizabeth Kaeton!

Elizabeth Kaeton said...

Well, when Jesus meets me at the Pearly Gates and asks me what I have done with my life, I will be proud to say that I, little moi, inspired the amazing Grandmere to start her own Blog.

Now, that may get me booted straight into the raging inferno, but I will go as an unrepentant child of God.

I do apologize for the rudeness of my blog. If I knew how to fix it I would.

Until then, I'll enjoy this site.

And the rest, as they say, is history. There was the blank page....

Note: Slight editing, to fix the omission and the typo. Elizabeth and I have progressed to the point that neither of us EVER makes such mistakes now.


  1. When do we become eligible for parole?

  2. I blame you for my blog. I would never have made mine but for you.


  3. This is a day for celebrating! Thank God for Mimi and for Elizabeth!!!

  4. Thanks everyone. No thanks to you, MadPriest. :-)

    Counterlight, I'm more than happy to take CREDIT for giving you a nudge to start your excellent blog.

  5. Congratulations, Mimi! And thank you Elizabeth!

    I can say I knew you when, back in the days when you were posting under your real name, only misspelling it. ;-)


  6. Doxy, you sly one. The "janeboatler" thingy? I took the handle to register to read the New York Times years ago, back when I feared anyone on the internet knowing who I was. Then, very timidly, I began commenting on blogs with the same pseudonym 11 or 12 years ago. I conversed with some of the big names in blogging today back in the day when they were just starting out - Josh Marshall, Juan Cole, etc. I was still "janeboatler" when I began commenting at Fr Jake's, and then I decided that I wanted a pseudonym with meaning.

  7. I'm pretty sure I first encountered you at Father Jake's. And I remember thinking, "That janeboatler person ALWAYS has something interesting and insightful to say." I always looked forward to your posts. (That sounds very suck-up-ish, doesn't it? But it's true!)

  8. I have lost track of whom I met where (I know, total blogslut) but I am so grateful for the wonderful friends I have met. I come here several times a day. Happy Blogiversary, Mimi!

  9. My dear Doxy, I remember your spunky comments at Fr Jake's from way back. You never took no shit.

    (I know, total blogslut)

    Paul, yes you are! Don't feel bad. I don't remember where I "met" you either. I probably had too much to drink.

  10. I know I met Paul at MP's. I quickly picked him to be my next Gay Husband. ;-)

  11. I think I met all of you at Fr Jake's. And look what he hath wraught.

  12. IT, you never took no shit either.

    And look what he hath wraught.

    I wonder if Fr Jake has regrets. Imagine an entire network of crazies! Still, when I look around, we look like some of the sanest folks in the territory.

  13. Mimi, you gave me the courage to blog along with MP. And through your blogs I was introduced to some wonderful people. Thank you.

  14. I'm going to take that as a compliment, Mimi.

  15. Love to Grand'mère and Elizabeth! Two remarkable women!

  16. Mimi, Yyou should thank Elizabeth with a kiss!

  17. Well, ma chere, has it been three years already? Hmm . . . time flies when you're in the blogosphere - but it's the one place where no one sees the wrinkles and laugh lines, so we can stay as young as we feel.

    I remember that you said my blog was "rude" (wouldn't let you post a comment, I think) which provided the impulse for you to start your own blog.

    May we all be blessed by such rudeness!

    I don't have to give you Billy Joel's advice. You know it - and live it - already: "Don't take any shit from anybody."

    Here's to many, many more years of blogging, and all the wonderful, intelligent, zany friends we have because of it.

    J'taime, Mimi, avec tout mon coeur.

    PS: One of these days, someone is going to have to teach me how to type with correct accents in French and Spanish.

  18. Amelia, I am proud to have had a wee influence on such a wonderful person as you.

    IT, I meant my words as a compliment, m'dear.

    Counterlight, who said anything anything about BEING sane? I said we LOOK sane.

    Susan, all right.

    Mwah, Elizabeth. I love you, too, my friend, and I love what you say about no one seeing the wrinkles and the laugh lines.

    I call WB my bitch mistress, and, at times, I wonder WTF I got myself into.

  19. And Göran, my Swedish sweet, you are a remarkable man. I'm pleased that because of our encounters in the blog world, I had the pleasure of meeting you face to face.

  20. sounds like a glass or three of champagne is definitely in order

  21. She brews her own moonshine down the swamp, you know. Polk salad whiskey.

  22. Cathy, did you have your champagne? Any champagne but the finest of the French vintages tends to give me a headache.

    And MadPriest again!

  23. hiya Grandmere Mimi, I meant champagne for you, to celebrate three years!! The finest French vintage, absolutely!! For you, nothing but the best. (I don't know what this moonshine is that you're slipping under the counter to MP but keep it up - he seems to like it)

  24. Any champagne but the finest of the French vintages tends to give me a headache.

    Now, you know you can't go switching to wine after all those years of rough spirits without there being some sort of physical reaction.

  25. Cathy, I meant did you raise a glass, or two, or three to my blogversary?

    Actually, my celebration is what you see right here. Grandpère is not really interested in my blog, except that during the Cheney/Bush administration, he feared that the FBI or the CIA would show up at our door and confiscate my computer and perhaps me, too.

  26. MadPriest again! My heart overflows.

    Now, now, mon cher Père le Fou, who are you to talk? You'd be lying if you said you didn't enjoy the contents of my regular shipments of the old home brew.

  27. Enjoy it?!

    You bet. Not only does it make good drinking but, applied as an ointment, its got rid of the bunions on my feet and is the only thing I know of that completely removes those bits of baked on fat left in the tin after the Sunday roast.

  28. Like so many others, I am glad you did begin your blog. Happy anniversary!

  29. Polk salad whiskey removes bunions and cleans up the roast pan? Or, perhaps it's that, after drinking some, you don't mind the bunions or notice the messy roast pan.

    Send me some, anyway, darling. If it's good enough for Jonathan, it's good enough for me.

  30. It'll grow hairs on your chest, Lisbeth.

  31. Hi Grandmere Mimi, if you'd like me to I'll certainly drink a glass of champagne to you - I've got some and I really don't need any further excuse!! Or you could send me some of your special moonshine. If all your other friends are imbibing it I certainly don't want to be left out. Trust me, I won't waste it on cleaning the dishes like MP.

  32. Ciss, thank you. I'm glad I started the blog, too. I've met wonderful people online and in real life.

    Cathy, pop the bottle of the bubbly, m'dear.

    Elizabeth and Cathy, a shipment of my special brew is on the way. Nevermind what MadPriest said. I believe he must have had too many nips from his bottle when he typed the words about hair on the chest.

  33. His words do rather suggest that your special brew has turned him part werewolf, which I could certainly believe.

    Glass of bubbly in hand. Here's to Grandmere Mimi!!! & to many more years of your blog...

  34. I lift my champagne glass to you, Mimi. Better hair on my chest than on my chin, I always say.

  35. Cathy, enjoy!

    Elizabeth, enjoy, too! But not by the hair of your chinny chin chin.

  36. Congratulations Mimi! I enjoy the blog a lot. Thanks to all those who inspired and encouraged you. It is a well rounded blog with inspiration, encouragement, challenge, and humour. For the short time I have visited I have experienced them all and more.
    So thanks.

  37. And thank you ALL for the good wishes and kind words. I've said before, except for the occasional visit from stray trolls and MadPriest, I have the best commenters in the blogosphere. And that's my tribute to you, my friends.

  38. Kampai!

    (Okay, I spent a week in japan last fall)

  39. 乾杯

    And that ain't no Chinese spam.

  40. Happy happy blogiversary! I do remember adding you into my blog reading list, but it sure doesn't feel like it's been three years. More like half that time to me. Of course I'm not looking for things to post about either, like the voodoo that you do so well.

  41. Thanks, Janet. The beginning of Wounded Bird seems like an age ago to me.

  42. Well it was. Nearly 75 years I believe. Pre-war!

  43. Hi again, MP luv. Yeah. I was a depression baby.


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