Saturday, February 13, 2010


Blogger changed my layout without asking. I'm now using the new posting and editing form, and I don't know how to load pictures in the new format. However, the bold, italic, and links are easier to use.

I've discarded Firefox altogether, because it would not let me open pop-up comments at any of the blogs and took an eternity to load.

I tried Google Chrome, but I could not get the toolbar to load, nor could I get the back and forward buttons to work, so I uninstalled the program.

I am now using Internet Explorer and not much liking it, I can open comments, but I get a safety warning pop-up asking if I really want to open the comment box.

I need help.

UPDATE: I'm back in Google Chrome and making my way. We'll see. Firefox was totally broken for usefulness for me.

For the new editing format in Blogger, I guess you upload the pictures directly from wherever you store your pictures.


  1. I would suggest trying to reinstall Google Chrome. I'm using it and loving it and didn't have the problem you experienced.

  2. Robert, I reinstalled Chrome, and I see that there is not Toolbar. To edit, you must use the control keys. Well, OK. We'll see.

  3. I started using Flock a few weeks ago and really like it. You can open up a side window to see Facebook updates, tweets, RSS feeds etc. Check it out at

  4. Hi Joan. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll keep yours in mind. For now I believe that I'm pretty well settled in Google Chrome unless problems arise. I'm afraid that what I need is a new computer, and I'm trying to hang on for a little longer with the one that I have. I'm spending far too much time trying to get things to work right. I think that's a sign.

  5. Hi. I don't like Chrome for posting but I do lie it for everything else. So I use it for reading, navigating, etc. I use Firefox for doing my posting as I can click on a picture and delete or move itn (chrome would not let me do that.) I do not lie the "new" editing so I went up to settings and put it back.

    Sometimes the old ways are just right for us oldtimers. I have to use Netscape for my banking and I sometimes use Safari for browsing. Of course I have a Mac. And i love it. I never have a Jeeze (cheese) with my Mac.

    Good Luck. j

  6. Yo! I lost my videos and pictures for a while there, but I solved the problem from advice on a forum to empty the cache.

    I changed back to the old editing format in Blogger, too.

  7. I have been having horrible problems the last four days...but the computer guy (who is also the provider guy) came down from the volcano and cleaned everything, in answer to your question, I KNOW NOTHING (except that I have Google chrome that seemed to appear from nowhere months ago), I don´t do any heavy lifting above the neck! Hugs to you! Leo

  8. Leo, I sympathize with you! I've spent the whole damned day fussing around with my computer. Things seem all right now, but for how long, I don't know. I may have to get outside help. The thing is, I don't know a good computer person.

  9. Hmm. I post to Blogger in Firefox and always have. I read Blogger in Safari, and have since returning to Mac years ago. At work I read it in IE7. I don't see a change in posting photos in Firefox but I long ago switched to posting only photos I have downloaded on my hard drive.

    In any case, I am sorry you are having problems, love. May the blogging fairies be kind to you. (No, I do not refer to myself.)

  10. Paul, I haven't been home much today, but, at the moment, my computer is working well. Google Chrome moves much faster than Firefox.

    I would not mind if the other fairies were kind to me, too. I'm just saying. You've already been more than kind. :-)


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