Thursday, February 4, 2010


Good morning all. Today's weather begins miserably - chilly, rainy, dark. I'm thankful that today's weather did not come early as my schedule yesterday was rather full:

9:00 AM - Grandparents Day at my granddaughter's new school. Grandpère and I were quite impressed with the school.

11:15 AM - Leave the school and head to one of our two Mexican restaurants for lunch.

2:00 PM - Go to audiologist for a check-up to see if my new hearing aids are working right. She tells me that I have cotton in my right ear.

3:00 PM - Pick up my granddaughter at school, because she had to stay after school to take a math test, but the test was postponed. Race across town to her house for her to be home for her younger brother's arrival on the school bus.

3:30 PM - Back across town to the doctor's office for removal of cotton from ear, which turns out not to be cotton, but a fungus.

4:15 PM - Back to the other side of town to stay with my grandchildren until my son gets home from work.

7:00 PM - Drop off prescription to treat fungus.

7:10 PM - Back home.

This morning, we just now received a call from my granddaughter asking us to pick her up from school, because she is not feeling well. She has a headache and is a little freaky, because she is almost never sick and takes it quite hard the few times that she becomes ill.

The picture above is of the chairs in El Paso Restaurant here in Thibodaux. The purpose of the picture is to cheer me up and to cheer you up, too, if you need cheering up. The waiter informed us that the chairs and tables in the restaurant were made in Guadalajara. They're bright, playful, and - well - cheerful.

The rain is now a downpour.


  1. I believe a vast host of us could use cheering up this February morn. The chairs are delightful. We have a thin blanket of snow all across Albuquerque this morning (but not enough for a snow day). May all manner of cheer come your way today, Mimi.

  2. Paul, I'm thinking of you making your preparations for your trip to Turkey and praying that your cold is gone before you leave.

    Thanks for your wishes for good cheer, my dear friend.

  3. Mimi, Within 36 hours it will be snowing here is Delaware and who knows? There could be 12-20 inches. It all depends on who one listens too.

    BTW it is what you're having right now; so thanks.

  4. Suzanne, what can I say? Misery loves company.

    Truly, I'm sorry. 20 inches? Wow! Even 12 is a lot.

  5. It's just supposed to rain here through Saturday.

    Sorry to hear about your cotton/fungus. I think it's a hoot that that audiologist mis-diagnosed. But what do they know except that you can't

    What a busy day. I would be exhausted!

    Love the chairs, but the look like they weigh a ton!

    Hope your grand daughter is feeling better soon.

  6. It is raining here, too, Grandmère. In fact, this past year it has done little else. Our whole neighborhood has sprouted bumper crops of mushrooms. I'd bet anything it has been the same in Thibodaux. The awful truth about the South is that in our climate fungus will take hold almost anywhere a spore lands. I am sorry one found your ear--ouch! Hope it clears up soon.

  7. Oh, Suzanne, may you and all around you be safe.

  8. Grandmere --I hope your ear clears soon. Ouch! And, we, too, are expecting more sleet, rain and then snow.... yes, from the storm you are sending our way....

  9. All together now, "Rain, rain, go away!" Last time I looked, it was still raining, but I'll take the rain rather than the snow any day.

    Margaret, I put cotton in my ears when I wash my hair, because I have perforated eardrums, so, although I thought it was odd that I'd have cotton as far into the ear canal as the audiologist suggested, I considered that it was possible.

    My ear doesn't bother me.

  10. Grandmere! --I had a perforated eardrum two years ago --and I couldn't hear a thing! they put a plastic skin on the eardrum, and it healed --then they pulled the skin off....and now I can hear! Can't they do something for your poor eardrums?

  11. Margaret, unfortunately, no. My eardrums are a mess from multiple ear infections when I was a child before antibiotics were in use. I have perforations, scar tissue, folds in the tissue. I've been advised not to let anyone mess with what I have left. The wonder is that I hear as well as I do with hearing aids.


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