Monday, March 1, 2010


From the Houma Courier:

Democratic U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu offered a blunt and personal criticism today of Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal's health secretary as the senator hardened her support for the health-care overhaul sought by President Barack Obama.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Landrieu said of state Health and Hospitals Secretary Alan Levine, "I just think he's wrong, usually morning, noon and night, and as far as I'm concerned, he can go get another job."

She said Jindal had the "wrong priorities."

Now ain't that the truth? How much difference Levine's departure would make I can't say, because he's very likely implementing policies that Jindal wants. Levine moved forward with Jindal's policy to privatize the care of citizens with developmental problems in group home to reduce costs. Levine says that contracting out the care will result in better care and cheaper care. That's always the way it works when the government pays the profit-making companies to take over, right? More for less and the companies still make a profit.

Not only that:

In addition to the privatization effort, which is expected to save $11.5 million a year, the state is cutting reimbursements to hospitals, doctors, nursing homes and other health-care providers who care for the poor and indigent. Mental health, addiction treatment and public health services such as family planning also are being reduced.

Sweet. How many health-care providers will now refuse to treat the poor and indigent? Mental health care and treatment programs for addictions were in sorry shape before the cuts. Our Republican governor, like many of his fellow party members, always looks to impose cuts on the most vulnerable of our citizens.

Back to Mary:

The comments come as Landrieu offered her full backing for the health revamp proposal Obama outlined earlier this week, a proposal that Jindal and Levine oppose.

For Mary Landrieu to sign on to Obama's health care proposal is a big deal. I hope that Mary senses a weakness in Jindal's popularity, partially due to the draconian budget cuts the governor ordered in higher education and the Department of Health and Hospitals, the only two big budget areas in which funding is not constitutionally dedicated, and I hope she's right. Higher ed and H&H bear the brunt in years with budget deficits. A good many employees of the two departments have already or will likely lose their jobs. The universities and colleges are reeling from the cuts. And as you probaly know, Louisiana doesn't score at the head of the class in measurements of educational achievement compared to the rest of the country.

So, yes, go get 'em, Mary. And stick with the health care bill. In two years, you may find that you have a vote that you can run on and real differences with Republicans that you can emphasize on the campaign trail.


  1. Privatizing things in the health care arena is (almost) always bad for those who cannot afford the services and ends up being bad for society in general. It also ends up being more expensive to the public in the long run. Nice to know Mary is stepping up to the plate.

  2. Amelia, Mary is sure to have a Republican opponent in her next election, and I wondered what Mary would run on. Would NOT voting for health care reform be a strong plank in her platform?

    But our governor is making a good many folks in Louisiana angry. Jindal has over $7 million for his campaign fund from donors all over the country. No Democratic candidate can come near to matching those funds. The hope may lie in Jindal's doing himself in before the election, and Mary may find that her wisest choice is to focus on Jindal and link her Republican opponent to the governor.

    On the other hand, I may be dreaming.

  3. The private companies do make a profit. That profit comes from the health care and retirement benefits of the workers who used to be covered as state employees and who then become hourly contract laborers at barely above minimum wage with few benefits and no job security. Of course, the state pays later when they are indigent seniors who become wards of the state instead of being financially independent.
    When that happens you can also bet your last dollar that the company/person who gets that contract will be some political crony and/or brother-in-law of the office holder. Just follow the money. If a person really digs they will be able to unearth the green and gold trail.


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