Sunday, March 7, 2010


Beautiful flower beds. I love the ornamental cabbages.

Neither Grandpère nor I can think of the name of the small, low-growing flowers pictured in the flower bed. (Update: I now know that the flowers are pansies.)

The flowers in the foreground of the photo are nearly black. Again, we've had them in flower beds, but we can't think of the name.

A Houmas House version of Old Faithful?

I did not photograph the attractive formal gardens with low hedges and maze-like paths through the hedges.


  1. I think they are all of the Pansy family, Mimi.

    Beautiful photos again!

  2. The cabbages are creepy to me. A lot of people grow them near our house in Oregon -- weird me out.

  3. Susan, pansies! Of course. It's a bit scary not to be able to think of pansies. And two of us! Tom thought of the name just after I posted.

    Ann, about the cabbages, were you frightened by them in your childhood? By a bad dream? ;-)

  4. I had never seen them until a few years ago when I visited our son in DC -- now they are everywhere LOL

  5. The pansies are so pretty and the cabbages I think are gorgeous (but I am a convert to eating them since moving to the UK)

  6. Cathy, I've never tasted the cabbages, but I don't know why not. Do they taste like the cabbages that we regularly eat?

  7. I think those are only ornamental, Mimi.

  8. I found this on Google. .

    "They are the result of hybridizing and, although they are still edible, they aren’t as tasty and tender as their cousins."

    So they are edible, just not so appealing in the taste range, I guess.

  9. Susan, thanks. Cathy eats the cabbages, and she's still around. ;-) Now I have the urge to take a taste.


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