Thursday, March 18, 2010


From the Times Online:

The Archbishop of Canterbury's office yesterday described the election of an openly lesbian bishop in the United States as "regrettable" and warned that it could further threaten the unity of the Anglican Communion.

The London office of Dr Rowan Williams responded to the election of Canon Mary Glasspool to a suffragan see in Los Angeles by warning of "important implications". The statement from Lambeth Palace said that further consultations would now take place and regretted that calls for restraint had not been heeded.

Now that the Archbishop of Canterbury has sent his regrets, we go on with our march forward toward justice and equality without his blessing.

Her election was strongly opposed by conservatives and is expected to exacerbate tensions and imperil the success of the new Covenant process, intended to find a basis of common doctrine and practice for the entire Church.

Well, we can but hope with respect to the imperilment of the "new Covenant process". I thought we already had a New Covenant from Our Lord Jesus Christ.

[Canon Glasspool] added: "I am also aware that not everyone rejoices in this election and consent, and will work, pray, and continue to extend my own hands and heart to bridge those gaps, and strengthen the bonds of affection among all people, in the Name of Jesus Christ."

Mary Glasspool demonstrates what a class act looks like.

The Most Rev Peter Jensen, the Archbishop of Sydney, said: “With the election of the Reverend Mary Glasspool, a partnered lesbian, as a bishop in Los Angeles in The Episcopal Church, the Anglican Communion reaches another decisive moment.

"It is now absolutely clear to all that the national Church itself has formally committed itself to a pattern of life which is contrary to Scripture. The election of Bishop Robinson in 2003 was not an aberration to be corrected in due course. It was a true indication of the heart of the Church and the direction of its affairs.”

No, Archbishop Jensen, the election of Bishop Robinson is not an aberration to be corrected in due course, and it is a true indication of the heart of the church which opens to embrace ALL the baptized.

UPDATE: I note that the words quoted in the article are from the Archbishop of Canterbury's office. Which means what?


  1. You are too polite, Mimi. I no longer give Jensen the title of archbishop. He is a High Priest of Hate and I am glad to be rid of him.
    I have commented on my blog.

  2. contrary to Scripture?!

    Funny, my Bible is silent on the subject of lesbian bishops. What's Jensen reading?

    Or what is he smoking?

  3. Brian, I preferred to say what the Episcopal Church is, rather than what Abp. Jensen is or isn't.

    Paul (A.), I can't find it in my Bible either.

  4. If it's +Cantuar's office speaking it means he's too gormless to speak himself. I commented at OCICBW that if TEC had not exercised restraint this would have happened years ago.

    God will need to raise up a rather amazing Abp. to restore the credibility and value of +Cantuar's office. God can do this and it truly would qualify as a miracle.

  5. It seems that no-one has been able to verify this statement yet and it's not on the Lambeth Palace website (says someone on Thinking Anglicans).

  6. The root of this story is Ruth Gledhill's piece in the Times, Erika. She makes the occasional mistake, but in general she's pretty-well informed. Reasonable to assume, given the outcome of the Glasspool consents process was hardly a surprise, that Lambeth had a communiqué prepared and in hand.

  7. I note that the words quoted in the article are from the Archbishop of Canterbury's office. Which means what?

    It means that he has a talking office. Of course, there's some scriptural precedent for this. After all, if Balaam's ass can speak, why not +Rowan's office?

  8. Erika, I understand your comment about the validity of the Lambeth statement. In addition to Ruth's story, there's this from TitusOneNine. In the comments, Harmon says he "verified [it] with Lambeth Palace press office."

  9. Ruth and Kendall Harmon likely have it right.

    Lisa! ;-)

    In any case, I'll wager the sentiments expressed in the statement are close to what Rowan thinks he should say. Does anyone believe that Rowan will speak out in approval of the election and consents given to Mary Glasspool? Does anyone think that a statement of congratulations will be forthcoming?

  10. I am so proud of our church and have no interest in what the ABC or Sydney have to say on the matter.

  11. Amen, Mimi. I'd rather hear a statement from +Rowan, Bishop of Playing. Any word from his spokesperson Lindy?

    w/v = howle
    How appropriate!

  12. I hope that Wade doesn't mind, but I've immortalized his comment on my sidebar.

  13. I am more angered about this "announcement" from the ABC than I can politely say.

  14. Cathy, I'm past anger. During his tenure as Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan has been weak and ineffectual. Now, I consider him irrelevant to us in the Episcopal Church. My heart goes out to those of you who live in his province.

  15. "Always keep a-hold of nurse,
    For fear of finding something worse"
    , Mimi.

  16. Lapin, how long do Archbishops of Canterbury serve?

  17. You know Grandmère, for the longest time I thought he was the bloke that played Mr. Bean, but I'm told that's Rowan ATKINSON, not Williams. My Bad.

  18. There's now a mandatory retirement age for C of E bishops - in the 70-75 range. Someone over there will be able to tell you.

  19. I did hear it was unlikely to be beyond another six-seven years but he is likely to be replaced by a conservative. Not that that would necessarily make a difference since he has retreated towards an increasingly conservative position himself in recent times.

    I could be wrong on the number of years. I'll try to find out where I read that.

  20. I'm sorry, but I no longer can consider the right-wingers and their puppets as anything but mindless savages. I'm just sick of having to treat them with politeness, when they behave like ravening animals.

    Compassion would be to treat them as such.

  21. I did hear it was unlikely to be beyond another six-seven years but he is likely to be replaced by a conservative.

    Cathy, heaven preserve us!

    Mark, do you think I'm too polite?

  22. So, that seems like a win-win for everybody: There's a fine new bishop AND at last an end to that silly covenant business.

  23. Lindy, I don't know about the end of the covenant. The dang thing seems to have as many lives as a cat.

  24. After all, if Balaam's ass can speak, why not +Rowan's office?

    *LOL* Lisa! [FYI: the student newspaper at Union Theological Seminary, my alma mater, is titled "Balaam's Ass"]

  25. Thanks, JCF. Nobody else seemed to appreciate my good effort.

  26. Thanks, Mimi. I must have missed your smiley.


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