Friday, March 5, 2010


I write to inform you that we have already sent you $5000.00USD dollars through Western Union as we have been given the mandate to transfer your full compensation payment of $2,500,000,00 USD via Western Union by the United Nations Government.So I decided to email you the MTCN and sender name, so you can pick up this $5000.00USD to enable us send another $5000.00 USD by tomorrow as you know we will be sending you only $5000.00 USD per day. Please pick up this information and run to any Western Union in your country to pick up the $5000.00 USD and call me back to send you
another payment tomorrow.

Manager: Mr Fred Morris
Email: ******************@*****
Phone: ***-****-******

Call or email me once you picked up this $5,000 USD today. Here is the western union information ,you can also track it on-line @ www.************.com
Sender Information's

Sender first name = Cathy
Sender last name = Ritchie
MTCN;= ***********
Amount;= 5,000, USD
Test Question;= Honest?
Test Answer;= Trust.

Miss. Stephine Clara (ESQ)

Thank you, Miss. Stephine Clara (ESQ). You made my day. I'll surely put the 2.5 million USD to good use.


  1. Mimi, I think this would be the best time to tell you that I need a substantial loan. Congratulations on our windfall. :) I hope you plan to tithe on the millions!

  2. Hi James. Tithe? Definitely. I'll be pretty busy running to Western Union and then to the bank for a good many days, but as soon as I have the full amount in hand, I'll spot you for a substantial loan.

  3. What are you doing at your computer? The message says "run." RUN!

    James' request seems selfish. I, on the other hand could use a micro-gift in order to purchase a 64GB iPod Touch and a leather case for it. I would use it at work, of course, because IT'S FOR THE CHILDREN.

  4. Oh Mimi, you are so fortunate. I'm glad you're my friend. It's a good thing I'm trying to live by that passage in Matthew or I'd be hitting you up for some of your windfall.

  5. Want to buy another rosary? I could do one in genuine cubic zirconia.....


  6. Don't forget the impoverished English rural clergy .....

  7. perhaps, Mimi, you could spare enough to buy us all a round of drinks? ....

  8. Hmmm. I'm beginning to think I made a grave mistake in publicizing my good fortune.

  9. Perhaps the United nations Government could make you a good deal on a personal black helicopter! It would make it a lot easier to get around after the next Katrina.

  10. Mimi, are you going to disclose to your circle of intimates here at WB the details as to why the United Nations Government is paying you this compensation? Have you, all this time, been engaged as a special international agent on various secret missions? That would not surprise me in the least. There is no better cover than that of an Episcopalian lady of a certain age who travels occasionally. . . . I only hope that the sum is adequate and fair, and in line with the terms of your employment contract.

    I am a bit concerned, though, about the daily Western Union runs. Will you lose out if you walk or drive, rather than run, to their offices? Please do let us know. I can't help but worry about your safety as you navigate the busy streets of Thibodaux in your running shoes, lugging a bag big enough to hold $5,000 in cash, especially if you have to do it day after day and greedy malefactors become aware of your routine.

    By the way, as you probably deduced from the punctuation and grammar in her message, Miss. Stephine Clara (ESQ) is no relation to me.

  11. My, my! What choice and intriguing requests and suggestions for disposing of my fortune. But remember: before I have the entire amount, I'll need to spend 500 days running to Western Union and then to the bank. In that period, I could suffer death from exhaustion, murderous thieves, or just plain natural causes. However, in the meantime, I'll take all requests and suggestions under advisement.

    Mary Clara, I'm quite disappointed that you're not related to Miss. Stephine Clara (Esq). I'd hoped that you were and that we could meet up one day.

    As to your questions, you ask about matters that I cannot discuss. I hope that you understand.

  12. Am I too late to get in on your generosity, Mimi? Some of us on the West Coast could use a little money for necessities!

  13. I wondered how they were handling things now that Ed McMahon is no longer with us!

  14. Susan, necessities only. I don't want to hear about you riding around in a fancy car.

    Wade, whatever happened to the old Publishers Clearing House? Did they fold after Ed passed on? Or have they just stopped sending mail to us?

  15. I very seldom watch television, maybe they're still there? I haven't seen those envelopes with him and Dick Clark in ages... Maybe they're now operating via email from Nigeria?

  16. Susan, necessities only. I don't want to hear about you riding around in a fancy car

    Now that I've thought about it though Mimi, I've suddenly realised that a superexpensive car is a necessity. So is a chauffeur to go with it. In fact I need these things quite urgently, if you don't mind.

  17. I need to live in Provence, for health reasons. Just sayin.

  18. I think my $2.5 mil is gone before I've even got my hands on the cash. There's a lesson here if we care to learn. I'm not sure what the lesson is, but I'm sure it will come to me.


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