Tuesday, March 16, 2010



The picture above of my six grandchildren was taken a good many years ago at a Loyola University reunion here in Thibodaux for alumni from the area. Since I graduated over 50 years ago, it's the only Loyola reunion that I've ever attended. I didn't know anyone there, since most of the alumni were years younger.

One of my grandons, the eldest, I believe, called out, "Drinks to your mouth!" just before I snapped the picture.


When I removed the picture from the frame, I found the inspirational poem and drawing behind the picture.


  1. Oops...I somehow managed to post the giggle to the lovely picture of the grandkids, instead of the repaint funny...sorry about that...Technologically challenged today, I guess!

  2. lovely grandchildren, Mimi ... amazing what you find tucked behind family photos if you look.

  3. "I found the inspirational poem and drawing behind the picture." And put it back there PDQ, I hope.

  4. Cathy, I never know. Sometimes it's older pictures that I've left in the frame and covered over.

    Righto, Lapin.

    You know, I remember with my own children, I wanted to freeze-frame them, in a manner of speaking, at the toddler to middle-school years. It's the same with my grandchildren. When I look at the picture, I feel a nostalgia for those years. Why couldn't they freeze at those ages?

    I also remember that when whoever said, "Drinks to your mouth," I thought to myself, "The little shit!" which introduced a bit of reality into the wistfulness.

  5. A great looking bunch of kids with fun gleaming in their eyes. You're a lucky Grandmère.

  6. Boocat, I know. I thank God for each one of them.


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