Saturday, April 24, 2010


The Reverend Dr. Michael Louis Vono was chosen bishop-elect of the Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande. Dr. Vono presently serves as Rector of St. Paul’s Within the Walls, Rome, Italy.

From Dr. Vono's essay at the diocesan website:

"As Rector of St. Paul’s, Rome, I live and work with people of diverse cultures and religious backgrounds. My church is a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, ecumenical and interfaith community. Our ministries include the Joel Nafuma Refugee Center, a sizable Latin American community, service to the elderly poor of the city as well as displaced youth. At the center of our mission and witness is a profound ministry of radical hospitality. "

H/T to Nicholas Knisely at The Lead.


  1. St. Pauls, Roma is gorgeous and quite a parish to be coming´s a inspiring stunner filled with mosaics (of the Byzantine looking variety)...also a crypt (where they allow AA Meetings...the venue a strong reminder to the ¨powerless¨).

  2. Leo! How are you? How's the eye?

    I added a link to the website and looked around a little, and the building and the contents are impressive. Thanks for the info.

  3. Guess we'll be hearing from the Radical Right how as what St Paul's Within the Walls is a hotbed of Pagan Idolatry - Homoerotic Pagan Idolatry, at that! The church is the work of George Edmund Street, a top Victorian Gothic Revival architect.

    Query - am I correct in remembering that It's Margaret spent time at St Paul's?

  4. Wait. How strange: a married TEC bishop goes to Rome--and his successor is an unmarried ex-RC who has worked in Rome for many years.

    What are the odds of that happening?

  5. I don't know about the odds but I thank you all for your prayers and look forward to our new bishop.

  6. I pray that this election will free this beautiful diocese from its episcopal history and allow it to become a fully contributing part of TEC. New Mexico went blue in 2008, and I hope Vono+ will prove to be a bishop who moves the Rio Grande back to the mainstream.

  7. Lapin, thanks for the link to the photo of Poseidon with parts missing. No, not those parts.

  8. What are the odds, Elizabeth? I don't know, but the bishop-elect is chosen. As Paul says, "Habemus episcopum!"

    John D, let us pray.

  9. Thanks Mimi, the eye operation appears (yes, even I can see the progress) to be healing properly...although I can see almost 20/40 on the test for the operated eye the next day (with my all new lense from Texas implanted and silicon removed) there is still cloudyness (like a steam bath)...I still use my right eye mostly and need to use drops and pills on the leftie as it comes into better focus during the next weeks...I´m thankful for all of you that watched over me and wished me well with your kind thoughts and prayers.

    BTW, St. Pauls (yes, inside the walls) is open all day long and one can go in and sit, pray and breath it all´s really a stunning Church and I love being there when in Rome (which hasn´t been for a few years now). It´s almost my most favorite Church of ALLTIME but Westminster Abbey/Evensong takes me off into the great beyond.

  10. I'm glad your eye seems to be healing well. Mine took about a month to settle completely into the permanent vision that I have now.

    I went looking for the Episcopal Church when I was in Florence, and I found it, but the door was locked and no one answered my knock. I didn't search around in Rome, so I've never seen St. Paul's. Maybe one day....

  11. I rejoice to be his neighbor over in Hopiland and Winslow. We stood for election together back in 2000 in CT. I remember him fondly.


  12. Fr Scott, thanks for weighing in with good news. It's good to hear favorable opinions from those who know the bishop-elect.

    It seems to me that the House of Bishops will have an unusually large contingent of newly-elected bishops.

  13. I was recently wondering about the same thing - the number of recent elections. Seems extraordinary to me. Makes me wonder what's going on. New life, one can only hope. People letting go. People moving on. You seem good. Makes me happy to see that. May open my blog again when things settle down a bit.



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