Sunday, April 11, 2010


From the Guardian:

A website quoted Giacomo Babini, the emeritus bishop of Grosseto, as saying he believed a "Zionist attack" was behind the criticism, considering how "powerful and refined" the criticism is.

The comments, which have been denied by the bishop, follow a series of statements from Catholic churchmen alleging the existence of plots to weaken the church and Pope Benedict XVI.

Allegedly speaking to the Catholic website Pontifex, Babini, 81, was quoted as saying: "They do not want the church, they are its natural enemies. Deep down, historically speaking, the Jews are God killers."

The interview was spotted on Friday by the American Jewish Group Committee, which said Babini was using "slanderous stereotypes, which sadly evoke the worst Christian and Nazi propaganda prior to world war two".

On its website, the American Jewish Group Committee quoted bishop Vincenzo Paglia, an official at the Italian Bishops' Conference, as saying Babini's remarks were "entirely contrary to the official line and mainstream thought of the Catholic church".

Did the American Jewish Committee get a screenshot?

I'll give Bishop Babini the benefit of the doubt until I see how this "row" plays out. I don't see why the American Jewish Committee would make up a story like this. Of course, the Vatican cannot be held responsible for the words of each and every wayward bishop. One wonders just exactly what the Vatican can be held responsible for.

Thanks to Cathy for the link.

UPDATE: I no longer give Bishop Babini the benefit of the doubt. The "row" is playing out with him as the loser. From the Times:

Bishop Babini denied he had made any anti-Semitic remarks. He was backed by the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI), which issued a declaration by Bishop Babini in which he said: “Statements I have never made about our Jewish brothers have been attributed to me.”

However, Bruno Volpe, who interviewed Monsignor Babini for Pontifex, confirmed that the bishop had made the statement, which was reported widely in the Italian press today. Pontifex threatened to release the audio tape of the interview as proof.

There you have it.


  1. Obviously, they have not been responsible in protecting their children.

  2. For the record, what this man says is vile and evil. Completely reprehensible.

  3. oh my Fran, I don't think that even needed to go on the record, in one sense!!! It's so obviously barking, don't you think? "Must be Zionists"?? Er, hello?????!

  4. Grosseto's his name, and Grosseto's his game.

  5. On EWTN today, Fr Benedict Groeschel (their longtime host) called for a boycott of the NY Times (y'know: Shoot the Messenger!)

    I think "NY Times" has become a code-phrase for the etho-religiosity of the family that (famously) owns the paper, if ya get my drift. [The 21st century equivalent of "Blaming the Rothchilds"]

    Don't you just love code-phrases? Sort of the "600 Thread-Count Egyptian Cotton" version of the white sheets of BIGOTRY.

  6. Looked for and found Babini's image on the internet. No surprise to find he looks like he was weaned on a pickle.

    No surprise either to find the headline "Monsignor Giacomo Babini: niente comunione per i gay".

    Given the nature of the men who control its upper levels, the Roman Church is no more capable of, or interested in, reform today, than it was in 1517. Ratzinger ain't going anywhere. Time for TEC to start evangelizing.

  7. JCF, Fr Groeschel is not alone in calling for a boycott of the NYT. The RC bishop of Brooklyn did the same.

    Lapin, I don't need much Italian to understand the headline.

  8. "The Vatican's second-highest authority [Tarcisio, Cardinal Bertone] says the sex scandals haunting the Roman Catholic Church are linked to homosexuality and not celibacy among priests". To repeat yet again what Talleyrand wrote of the restored Bourbons, "Ils n'ont rien appris, ils n'ont rien oublies."

    Sooner or later - sooner, I think and hope - interest will return to the subject of Cardinal Law. While, realistically speaking, Ratzi is above the law, Law is not.

  9. What about the priests who molested little girls? I know of one family in which a brother and a sister were both abused by the same priest. When the priest was reported, he was transferred to a school for the deaf.

    So you think Cardinal Law will be of interest to the authorities again. I don't know.

  10. In the event of further publicity, I think that the Roman Church could be sufficiently embarrassed by the luxury bolt-hole Law was handed as a consolation prize, that even they may take it from him (a PR thing, of course - they won't mean it, because, of course, they just don't get it).

    Let's face it, there was sufficient evidence of his facilitating child abuse by his actions and inactions, to force his resignation as archbishop eight years ago. Won't look good if it's on the front pages again. As to Massachusetts - I imagine there are still friends there powerful enough to save his ass from prosecution.

  11. Bishop Babini denied he had made any anti-Semitic remarks. He was backed by the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI), which issued a declaration by Bishop Babini in which he said: “Statements I have never made about our Jewish brothers have been attributed to me.”

    However, Bruno Volpe, who interviewed Monsignor Babini for Pontifex, confirmed that the bishop had made the statement, which was reported widely in the Italian press today. Pontifex threatened to release the audio tape of the interview as proof.

    Ever more lies and evasion.


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